Why Gen Z is Obsessed with Liquid Chlorophyll

Kristen Eleanor
Not Kale Salad
Published in
4 min readApr 17, 2021


Should you hop on the latest Tik Tok nutrition trend?

Liquid chlorophyll is undeniably aesthetically pleasing, but do the health benefits match the visual appeal?

“It makes my cells so stoked” says one creator on Tik Tok, enthusiastically showcasing her morning routine of putting 6 drops of a dark, green liquid into a tall glass of water.

Another creator reports that “this stuff is great for digestion, inflammation and overall immunity” as she swirls the dark green, opaque drink with a metal re-suable straw.

This mesmerizing, dark green drink has liquid chlorophyll in it — and is the subject of the latest trend amongst Gen Z on Tik Tok.

The health claims swirling on Tik Tok range from weight-loss to decreased body odour. Some creators even claim that the green liquid has helped them lose 3 pounds in a week. Others have started replacing their daily cups of coffee with a glass of chlorophyll water thanks to the “energy boost” it gives them.

To be honest, the mesmerizing look of the drink makes me almost want to go over to Amazon and buy it myself. But — aesthetics aside — are the health claims worth the hype? Let’s see what Gen Z is saying, and the actual science behind it.

What is chlorophyll?

Chlorophyll is the pigment that makes plants green and helps the plant perform photosynthesis, or the process of…

