Sand in my Shoes (Chapter 1)

Dark Zen Thrill
Not Quite Paradise
Published in
3 min readJan 28, 2018

There was something salty in the air that day. It was definitely more than what the salted brim of an empty glass of Margarita could explain, the tequila doing it’s intended job fully well on Ms. Strauss. Fortleza certainly knew its craft well, and three of those margritas had gone smoothly down before she even realized that the suited man who was admiring her from a distance, was now sitting achingly close to her across the bar.

So close, in fact, that she could smell the intoxicating aroma of his Guilty Diamond perfume drift across from his considerable expanse across to her, and the heat of her body was in immediate risk of dissipation across to this unknown work of art in front of her. And a work of art he definitely was. State level wrestler in India, and swimming coach for the under 19 squad, this combination of speed and strength was rarely, if ever seen together with the gentleness of his hands. That gentleness was readily apparent when he was playing the piano with his best friend, Mani. However, the gentleness was in abate now, and he was directing the full force of his masculine charm towards this dark haired, chocolate skinned lady in front of him. The tequilas were certainly helping, and Anna Strauss was already leaning forward towards him, listening to him offer her another drink.

“This is quite a nice ring you have on”, he said, gazing at her shapely fingers, and the golden wedding ring that adorned her ring finger. “Oh, this! This is nothing”, she giggled, “this is what my friend gave me to keep safely while she went diving among those corals there. Also keeps unwanted intruders away!”

“Well, this island is where you won’t have many intruders, unwanted or not”, Rajinder drawled, “Just look at that cloud cover, it’s gonna be raining heavily here by tomorrow”, he finished, pointing north to where a couple of yachts were lazily drifting in the water.

Anna turned to look, the island of Caye Caulker already a mellow shade of orange and red under the long rays of the setting sun, with the two private shacks in this part of the island setting up for the night ahead with romantic music and multicolored lights. Rajinder also used this opportunity to look at Anna, her curvy shape readily apparent under the white dress she had on. She was curvy without being overtly so, and her buxom figure was in keeping with her cherubic face, that exuded sexuality. The effect was magnified multiply as she was apparently unaware of the effect she had on men. She was turning to the north, the muscles of her neck straining, the soft skin readily apparent, and the deep neckline of her dress having an immediate effect on Rajinder, who felt his muscles tensing with the sudden desire to hold on to this woman and teach her how utterly beautiful she was.

Photo by Tomasz Rynkiewicz on Unsplash

Not now, he reprimanded himself. A Mercedes S sedan with a luxury hotel insignia stopped in front of the road to the jetty, and a group of revelers got out. Talking and laughing, they made their way to the shack, as the multicolored lights came on, and almost simultaneously, upbeat Hawaiian dance music started to stream out of one of the shacks.

Not now, he reminded himself, there are more important things to be done tonight.



Dark Zen Thrill
Not Quite Paradise

Doctor, Oncology. Single Malts, Long Rides, soulful music and red 💄. Writing and travel can change the world!