Not Sponsored: Reviews of Sponsored Products on a Platform that is Not

Malcolm Andrew
Not Sponsored
Published in
3 min readAug 28, 2023


Pretend this is a content creator you watch or listen to or whatever. Photo by charlesdeluvio on Unsplash

(Interested in this content in podcast form? Leave a comment below or reach out on Threads at uncle_donut42. Enjoy!)

If you’ve been on the Internet for long enough, and listened to a single podcast ever, you’re familiar with product sponsorships. If you were around during the golden age of advertising, you’re also familiar with product sponsorships. If you listened to radio…

…you know what? Advertising. That’s what it is. You know what ads are. Sometimes, companies choose to advertise or market their product by working with somebody with a parasocial public relationship. The company partners with creators that they think will like the product, and will then read the ads to their viewers or listeners.

When platforms like YouTube can eliminate their choice to pay you for any (or no) reason, creators still need a way to keep a roof over their heads and make content for you.

Sponsorships help out by paying for advertising space on the channel. This gives the creator a touch more security, and hopefully, you find a new product that you love.

Everybody wins! Photo by krakenimages on Unsplash



Malcolm Andrew
Not Sponsored

Conductor: The Heck Yes Express. Writing: stuff. Sometimes: funny. Definitely: real human. he/him