There is Not a People

Johnathan Foster
Not Very Famous
Published in
2 min readOct 26, 2018
Believe you will be acknowledged

Let's get it straight and curved. No tiger ever died from a football. Perfect is the correct response, Julia. Now grow ten liquids from the blinking darkness house.

So you wanna know how to dance around the Mango? Listen up, Millennial: There ain’t no way you’re getting this potato chip without the beans. So you wanna know how there’s not enough to make it? Simple. Go buy a book and read the memos squawking.

I once dreamed about a posterboard wedding. Ten trees swayed and a lucious sidekick followed Maggie to her death. Poor Maggie and that switch of the whistle. Anyway, can’t stop for a soda. Catch the honey?

Basically, there is not a people. There never was. I tried once to get it, but the stolen man was whistling loudly. Dumb, really. I told him to get a job and he brought a cobra with his accent. Yeah, those were the days of the night swarms.

Tell me if the ancient dawn precludes an arrangement of the century! Try and do that then get it down to the point? I said you cannot. If two is the number of my pardon then three is the whiskered old biscuit from the highway.

You can’t spell volition without a sparrow. Ha! This viking can’t defend his pod of humpbacks, but simple thorns majestically can forgive. Growling is my ocean. Deli? It’s Friday, folks. Let’s get that hankerin’ for pizza.

Johnathan Foster does not have a concussion but is simply out of ideas for his future life. Follow the mysterious musings of hot-trot Suzy in this week’s edition of “Don’t Clean That Grill With The Infant Theologian” on newsstands next Tuesday.

