Tirupathi to Nagoor via Santhome

Rajarajan Velumani
4 min readJun 20, 2012

The post title has three iconic structures associated with three different religions that play a major role in our country.Apart from that there are a plenty of religions that are actually hindrance in a lot of ways. This post is actually agnostic in practice. From now on the words will be similar to those of Tony Starc or Dan brown.

Who is an agnostic or what is agnosticism

Agnosticism is definitely not Atheism, to be clear about it. Atheist is the one who doesn’t believe in god but agrees that there exists a phenomenon called GOD. But agnosticism is a practice which doesn’t even approve the existence of GOD, but its not clear whether they believe in it or not. The famous words of Agnosticism are also pun intended about the existence of GOD.

Why does the post about religious places talk about Atheism and Agnosticism

This post definitely not about preaching some religion or expressing my religious views, it is also not about exposing some religion in a very bad way or talking in praise about a particular religion. This post is actually a take on the religions and their practices that has been haunting our country for the past 500 years.

Right from our childhood days we have been reading a statement repeatedly in all our text books especially History books that “ India is a Secular country”, which means that Indians are free to follow any religion of their choice and no one should be forced to follow any religion law.

But we Indians have changed the definition of Secularism, i.e Indians can follow any religion but they should follow the rules and regulations pertaining to that particular religion which they opt to follow. That too when it comes to some religions where there are more number of sub religions which will out number the people following that religion.

What actually India has Gained by being a Secular County

India has gained NOTHING! Being a secular country has never put our religious problems to a rest. People still continue to fight for the rights pertaining to one particular community or Religion. The number of political parties are on the rise by associating themselves with one religion or another. These parties pretend to fight for a particular religion and their rights. But actually they increase their vote bank by doing so and not even care about the people associated with that religion.

Religious party don’t stop with praising their own religion but continue with criticizing other religions which leads to lot of troubles. This doesn’t stop with State parties even some Nationalist parties follow a particular religion. There is a particular Nationalist party which follows Hindutva even after portraying itself as a secular party. They were responsible of demolishing a mosque by pretending that there was a Ram temple.The party has been kept out of power for the past ten years for their non-secularist view, which they fail to shed even now. People still fear they might not help other religions if they come to power.
As far as i know there was not even a single non-Hindu MLA or MP from that party till date.

Religions have major contribution in the evolution of a new demon called CASTE. Sub — religions are normally called as castes. Caste is the major hindrance to Secularism. Caste ism made the people from same religion fight with each other, which intensified when the number of castes kept on growing up. Till date they are more number of castes in our country than the number of people. If you follow a particular religion you are forced to follow a particular caste. Caste was the main basement for the British to implement Divide and rule in India. Upper — middle — lower. Upper class people always discriminate the lower class, which is in existence even now. The intensity of Caste-ism has reduced a lot thanks to the socialistic view of people,but it should be completely cut down for developing as a super power. Once people cut down their views on their religion caste-ism will slowly start to evade from our society. Its in the hands of the people who practice the religions and not in any law makers’ hand to stop the communal riots.

Class divisions should only be seen in Railway compartments and not any where else

All Indians are my brothers and sisters should be remembered always and not during the Pledge alone!!!

P.S I am a huge fan of Temple Puliyogare and Pongal
P.P.S I look at them only as a food and not as a Religious offering.

