Content repurposing tips

Content Repurposing For Your Killer Writing Pieces

Learn how to give your content pieces a second life by repurposing them

Not Your Idea
Not Your Idea


You’re not necessarily done and dusted with a killer content piece once published because there are brilliant ways to repurpose your blog content. When you put great efforts into creating a super insightful article, integrating a strategy to recycle it is the only right thing to have a gander at. Mind you, it involves going through the mental gymnastics of repackaging the same content differently but practicing content repurposing can extend the life of your content.

Let’s understand why you should consider content repurposing and how to go on about it.

Why Repurpose Content?

The answer is simple: repurposing content helps you showcase your content in different formats and hence reach a new audience. For instance, individuals may consume your content via blogs but if you also make a video tutorial of it, there will be another section of your audience watching the same kind of content. In this manner, you end up catering to audiences that read as well as those you prefer watching content.

Rejuvenating content into multiple channels is also a great way to remind people of your previous content if they missed it the first time around. Perhaps a topic you covered in a blog didn’t catch the attention of many and but by turning it into a video format you could trigger interest in the topic. This is because not everyone likes to engage with just the written form but eye-catching infographics and clever visuals with texts can grip one’s attention. Not many people battle through a ‘how to’ article but let’s admit: many can sit through a video tutorial of the same.

Lastly, when you’re distributing your content using multiple avenues, you’re growing your online presence. This builds your brand’s credibility for search engines.

In a nutshell: Content repurposing is a foolproof and easy way to amplify your content online through multiple platforms. It also gives you a finite number of relevant content ideas without wasting a great deal of time brainstorming for new ones.

Fun fact! — The concept of repurposing content is pretty similar to ‘content atomization’, coined by Todd Defren of SHIFT Communications. This term gives a better idea of this strategy’s purpose. To atomize means to break up content into small units and that’s exactly the tactic for getting more mileage out of a written topic.

a man making notes, content repurposing
Repurposing content always to not waste time trying to reinvent the wheel. Photo by Kvalifik on Unsplash

How Can You Repurpose Content?

There are multiple paths that you can take to repurpose your content. Here are some ideas on how you can take your existing blog posts and turn them into other types of content:

Create An Infographic

If your blog post contains plenty of data or statistics, consider using that content to make a visually appealing infographic. There are several great tools to make clean infographics or you can use a designer for the same.

Create A Podcast Episode

Branching out to podcasting is another great way to repurpose your content. This is perfect for people who just like to tune into your content instead of reading it. Even if your podcast is about the same content as your blog, it can work. For example, your travel blog and podcast can cover the same topic about traveling as a solo traveler.

Create A Video

Since you have already written a blog post, you can very easily make it a video with a little bit of effort. You can make a video summary of what you essentially covered in your blog. If you currently have a step-by-step blog post, then consider turning it into a video tutorial. This is a great way to show instead of telling your audience how to do something. For example, your blog article covers a detailed review of a trending movie. Instead of just having the review in its written form, you can prepare a video of you talking about it and upload it to popular video-sharing sites like YouTube and Vimeo.

Create A Graphic For Social Networking Sites

Social networking sites like Instagram, Facebook, and Linkedin are always looking for new and interesting content to share with their users. So why not turn your blog post into a graphic for social networking sites? This is especially great for posts that have quotes or other short snippets of text. You can use tools like Canva to easily create social media graphics or you can hire a designer to do it for you.

Create A Printable Checklist Or Worksheet

If you have a blog post that is already in a list format, you can easily turn it into a printable checklist or worksheet. This is great for posts that have a lot of information that people need to keep referring back to. For instance, your blog might have a checklist of all the things you need to carry for a multi-day motorbike trip, and your reader could benefit from having a printable checklist of the same.

There are many other different ways that you can repurpose your blog content into surveys, memes, polls, GIFs, Pinterest posts, and the list can go on. By turning it into something else, you can reach a whole new audience and offer even more value to your existing readers. So don’t be afraid to experiment and see what works best for you but you must make sure to execute it in strategically sound ways.

As mentioned earlier, you cannot repurpose content without putting some thought into it. When developing a content repurposing plan, here are a few things to keep in mind:

Assess the content on your website by doing an audit

Before you develop a strategy to repurpose content, take a quick look at your existing content to actively hunt for hidden gems of content you wrote in the past. This will help you determine which pieces of content performed well for you and should be considered for further rejuvenation. It’s also a good idea to take the opportunity to update your old content. This is especially important if you’re repurposing something that you published a while ago.

Updating your old content will not only help you keep it relevant, but it can also help you improve your search engine ranking. This is because Google favors fresh content, so by updating your old content, you’re more likely to rank higher in search results.

So when you’re finished repurposing your content, don’t forget to update your old content and promote your new content. These two things will help you get the most out of your content repurposing efforts.

Spend Time Brainstorming A Content Repurposing Strategy

To figure out how you can repurpose content, you’ll need to do some brainstorming. This will help you come up with ideas for how to repurpose your content and what format would work best. You can start by looking at each piece of content and determining what the main takeaways are. From there, you can brainstorm different ways that you can present that information in a new way.

For example, if you have a blog post that breaks down a complex topic, you could turn it into an infographic or a video. Once you have some ideas, you can start to put together a plan for how you will repurpose your content. This plan should include what format to use, how to promote the new content, and when to publish it.

Consider Different Channels To Amplify Repurposed Content

When you’re repurposing content, it’s important to think about where you will promote the new content. Will you share it on social media? Send it out in your email newsletter? Or embed it on your website?

There are a number of ways that you can promote your content, so it’s important to consider all of your options. You should also think about which channels will work best for the type of content you’re creating. For example, if you’re creating a video, YouTube would be a good option.

Summing Up

There are many different ways that you can repurpose your blog content. By doing this, you can reach a larger audience and offer even more value to your readers. So, don’t be afraid to get creative with different ways to repurpose your content. You might be surprised at the results.

