The Earth Is Flat To Them

Nathaniel England
Not Your Logic
Published in
1 min readMar 21, 2017

Recently Shaquille O’Neal came out as a member of Team Flat Earth on an episode of The Big Podcast (which he is a co-host on):

“I drive from coast to coast, and this shit is flat to me. I’m just saying. I drive from Florida to California all the time, and it’s flat to me. I do not go up and down at a 360-degree angle, and all that stuff about gravity, have you looked outside Atlanta lately and seen all these buildings? You mean to tell me that China is under us? China is under us? It’s not. The world is flat.”

Shaq joining forces with other NBA Flat Earthers like Kyrie Irving, Wilson Chandler and Draymond Green and a Rapper that believe that the Earth is flat might not seem like a big deal…
Hell, I can even understand the basic logic behind Shaq’s thinking.

But it is a big deal, because in this society athletes are looked up to by children and some adults as role models. People aren’t the most critical thinkers these days and it wouldn’t be hard for people to start taking these “opinions” as facts.

I’m all for thinking for ourselves and being critical, but we have to agree that there are certain basic facts of reality that just aren’t up for discussion or we start falling into the realm of alternate facts.

Originally published at Not Your Logic.

