Not Your Pinterest Mom

Your Safe Space For The Transparent Mom

Karla Marie
Not Your Pinterest Mom


Photo Credit: Bonnie and Blithe

I created this publication with fun, humor, reality, and relief in mind. A safe space for moms to share the joy, tears, and realities about motherhood, WITHOUT any judgment. YOU need to know you are not alone. A place where the mom with the not-so-perfect home, marriage, life, and kids can share their stories. I think we can all relate and learn something from each other through our stories, and it’s nice to have them all in one place. It’s okay to vent, rant, or just tell a funny story. If you want to write for this publication comment on this article.

It can be really freeing. Plus the grammar police won’t be after you and you can write in your own voice. I am going to try to post many stories about how I have overcome things when I stopped trying to look like everyone else, I thought that would make me feel better but it did not!

The Perfect Social Media Mom Does Not Exist

A large part of our lives as moms is wrapped up in motherhood. It starts to become your entire identity, and if you aren’t careful you will lose yourself..especially if you are trying to be the picture-perfect Pinterest mom. However let’s be real, this is NOT reality. You don’t have time to do all these crafts, keep your home perfect, always meal prep, feed them…



Karla Marie
Not Your Pinterest Mom

Mom of 4 boys, I love to help others practice self care. Loves God and Mysteries. True Crime Junkie. Semi crunchy health enthusiast with a sense of humor.