
Along with addition, multiplication, and division, it is one of the four fundamental arithmetic operations

Michele Diodati
Not Zero


Subtraction is a binary operation that consists of decreasing a given number, called the minuend, by an amount equal to that indicated by another number, called the subtrahend. The minus sign (−), which is the subtraction operator, connects the two numbers. The result of the operation is called the difference.

Subtraction of natural numbers

Subtraction is defined as the inverse of addition. More precisely, the difference of two numbers is that number which, added to the subtrahend, returns the minuend. For instance, if 12 is the minuend and 5 the subtrahend, the difference is that number which, added to 5, gives 12, i.e., 7. In mathematical symbols: 12−5=7 because 7+5=12. The following image provides an intuitive representation of the subtraction operation.

The subtrahend takes away, deletes, eliminates part of the minuend
By adding the subtrahend to the difference of the previous subtraction, we get the minuend



Michele Diodati
Not Zero

Science writer with a lifelong passion for astronomy and comparisons between different scales of magnitude.