I Am Trading Order for Chaos. Maybe You Should Too.

Conner Burton
2 min readJan 23, 2022


I have a job that many would consider “good.” Decent pay, government benefits, low responsibility. What more could you want?

So why do I find myself on the verge of a complete career change? Why am I getting sucked into the creator economy?

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

The pandemic brought about the Great Recession. Well, I have slowly been falling into a cavern for the past decade.

Doing the same thing over and over does something to your mental state. It makes the days start to drag. Hard.

I tried swapping roles. Picked up different responsibilities. At the end of the day, it all felt the same.

I have watched coworkers reach the promised land of retirement. Only for a few months later, enter the pearly gates.

All that working. All that grinding. Just to fade to dust…

Is this it? Am I going to do this for another 30 years?

Sure I would get promoted a few times. But at the end of the day, It all runs together.

When you have too much order in your life, sometimes you need to inject chaos to shake it all up.

So that’s where I am at now. On the brink of the next big thing. Or complete and utter ruin.

I would say wish me luck, but I chose this path.

You have to bet money to make money. And I am betting on me.



Conner Burton

Trying to write my way out of a paper bag. I put my own spin on personal development. Sprinkle in some pieces on startup life and tech. Thanks for reading.