Celebrating a Year of ChatGPT

The Dawn of a New Era in Technology and Self-Discovery

Mark Monfort
3 min readDec 3, 2023


As we mark the first anniversary of ChatGPT (they introduced it on 30th November 2022 — see https://openai.com/blog/chatgpt), it’s a moment to reflect on how this remarkable technology not only reshapes our work and leisure but also mirrors humanity’s ceaseless journey towards innovation and self-understanding. From the primal expression of cave paintings to the revolutionary impact of the printing press, and the advent of telephony to the boundless realms of the internet, WiFi and more, our history is a tapestry of technological breakthroughs. Each advancement has not only transformed how we live and work but also offered a deeper insight into our own nature.

ChatGPT’s emergence is a continuation of this legacy. It’s a technology that’s not just about automating tasks or simplifying workflows; it’s a mirror showing us the complexities of our own intelligence and creativity. As we interact with AI, we’re not just looking at how close it can come to human cognition. We’re also unravelling the intricacies of our thought processes, emotions, and decision-making.

The Intersection of AI and Human Cognition

What makes ChatGPT a landmark in our technological journey is its ability to learn, adapt, and interact in a manner that’s profoundly human-like. This isn’t just about coding and algorithms; it’s about understanding the very fabric of human communication and cognition. As we delve into the realms of AI, we’re also delving into the essence of what makes us human.

This symbiosis between human intelligence and artificial intelligence opens up new frontiers. We’re not just automating tasks; we’re augmenting our capabilities, enhancing our creativity, and expanding our intellectual horizons. ChatGPT, in its essence, is a tool that complements and enhances human ingenuity.

The Future Trajectory of AI and Human Progress

Looking forward, the evolution of AI, particularly technologies like ChatGPT, heralds a new chapter in human advancement. The potential for these technologies to revolutionise industries, from finance to healthcare, education to entertainment, is immense. But perhaps more significantly, AI’s evolution is a journey into the heart of human cognition, offering insights into how we think, learn, and create.

The Poignant Essence of Our Technological Journey

In reflecting on this anniversary, a quote by Carl Sagan poignantly summarises our journey:

“We live in a society exquisitely dependent on science and technology, in which hardly anyone knows anything about science and technology.”

This statement encapsulates the paradox of our times: our deep reliance on technology, yet a profound need to understand its workings and implications.


As we celebrate one year of ChatGPT, we are not just commemorating a technological milestone. We are acknowledging our ongoing quest to understand ourselves through the tools we create. The future of AI, much like the future of humanity, is an uncharted territory of immense possibilities and profound revelations about the very essence of human intelligence and creativity.



Mark Monfort

Co-Founder NotCentralised — data analytics / web3 / AI nerd exploring the world of emerging technologies