Navigating the Complexities of AI-Prompt Management: Insights from SIKE

Mark Monfort
Published in
3 min readDec 19, 2023

In the rapidly evolving world of AI-driven tools, understanding the mechanics behind AI interactions, particularly in custom models, is crucial for businesses aiming to leverage these technologies effectively. A recent video on YouTube (see below) delves into the complexities and challenges faced by users of popular AI platforms like ChatGPT, specifically addressing the issue of prompt management and its impact on AI output quality.

The Problem: Layered Prompts in AI Platforms

The video highlights a key issue in many AI platforms: the layering of pre-prompts or system prompts that can dilute or misdirect the user’s original query. This issue often leads to suboptimal outputs, requiring users to continuously regenerate responses or adjust their prompts to achieve the desired results. In platforms like ChatGPT, where multiple layers of prompts precede the user’s input, the AI model may struggle to prioritize and effectively respond to the actual query. Here’s an image showing the pre-instructions that sit on top of your queries depending on whether you’re using ChatGPT to browse, create images or do other functions.

It’s all useful to help guide behaviour and absolutely necessary in some cases, but the issue for user shows itself when users don’t get the results they want from the prompts or need to keep reworking it to get it right.

The video from WestGPT above highlights how accessing OpenAI Playground could be useful and for some users it can be, but for others, they’ll need a tool that gives them those options and that’s where SIKE steps in.

SIKE’s Approach: Streamlined and User-Centric

At SIKE, we’ve acknowledged these challenges and have developed a system that not only addresses them but also enhances the overall user experience. Here’s how SIKE stands out:

Persona-Based Prompt Structure

We utilise ‘personas’ in SIKE to provide structured guidance to AI outputs. Each persona comes with specific pre-prompts that are crafted to direct the AI in generating a certain type or style of response. This structured system ensures that the output is consistent and relevant, aligning with the user’s expectations.

Direct API Integration

Unlike platforms with layers of system prompts that can act as ‘bloatware’, SIKE operates directly on top of OpenAIs API. This approach eliminates unnecessary intermediaries, ensuring a streamlined and efficient process, free from external prompt-related complexities.

Raw Persona for Unfiltered Responses

For those who prefer an unguided, unbiased AI output, SIKE offers the ‘Raw’ persona. This persona has no pre-prompts, allowing the AI to generate responses based solely on the user’s direct input, providing a raw, unfiltered AI interaction.

Focused Document-Specific Guidance

Some personas like “Documents” in SIKE are tailored to respond based on information from specific documents, enabling business users to get answers grounded in particular datasets or document collections. This focused approach is especially beneficial for industries that rely on precise and document-specific information.

Prompt Assembler: A Game-Changer

Our innovative Prompt Assembler feature allows users to efficiently compile and edit segments from conversation threads or AI outputs into new prompts. This tool revolutionises the workflow of using AI tools, particularly for business users, by saving time and offering greater control over AI interactions.

Conclusion: Empowering Businesses with SIKE

The insights from the video underscore the need for a more refined and user-friendly approach to AI prompt management. SIKE’s methodologies and features are designed to meet these needs, offering businesses a sophisticated, flexible, and efficient way to harness AI for their specific requirements. By prioritising user input and minimising complexities, SIKE stands as a beacon of innovation in the AI landscape, paving the way for more effective and seamless AI-driven business solutions.

If you want to try it out for your business, get in touch with us on email at or check out more details on SIKE at



Mark Monfort

Co-Founder NotCentralised — data analytics / web3 / AI nerd exploring the world of emerging technologies