The Call to Elevate Web3: Our Responsibilities and Opportunities

Mark Monfort
Published in
8 min readSep 18, 2023


The digital frontier is evolving, and at its forefront is Web3, a decentralied internet vision that promises to redefine online interactions and commerce. This paradigm shift, while brimming with potential, is not without its challenges. As we teeter on the brink of a new era, there’s a palpable excitement interwoven with trepidation. Traditional models of commerce, governance, and social interaction stand to be disrupted, but the pathway to this brave new world is riddled with questions of integrity, adaptability, and true value. As we prepare to delve into the nuances during the Philippine Blockchain Week, this article seeks to dissect the complexities of the Web3 ecosystem, highlighting our responsibilities and the boundless opportunities that await. Join us on this introspective journey, as we chart the course for a decentralised digital future.

Accountability in the Web3 Space

The promise of Web3 has resonated across industries. As it gains traction, the onus lies on us, the early pioneers, to lay down the bedrock of integrity.

For every innovative project, there exists the potential for opportunistic ventures that exploit gaps and misunderstandings. We need to become more discerning in our support. Rigorous vetting, community-driven oversight, and regular audits can safeguard against projects that may not have the ecosystem’s best interests at heart. We must remember that in the emerging world of Web3, public perception is fragile; every misstep is magnified.

The potential of Web3 isn’t limited to mere promises of decentralisation and transparency. The tools at our disposal, such as blockchain explorers, provide unparalleled insight, surpassing traditional commerce mechanisms. In a conventional setup, when transactions go awry, tracing the origin, intent, and destination can be cumbersome, often shrouded in layers of bureaucracy. Contrastingly, with blockchain explorers, every transaction, no matter how minuscule, is permanently recorded, offering clarity and traceability.

While this transparency brings about accountability, it also paves the way for specialised organisations to monitor and combat nefarious activities. Institutions like the National Anti-Scam Centre in Australia are pioneering efforts to combat scams in the digital realm. Complementing these are a plethora of analytics and audit firms, such as Chainalysis, which harness data insights from blockchain to track and mitigate crypto-related crimes.

The rise of these entities underscores the Web3 ecosystem’s commitment to self-regulation and integrity. In an environment where public perception is crucial, such tools and organisations are not just beneficial; they’re imperative. They ensure that while we champion the many advantages of a decentralised internet, we remain vigilant against its potential pitfalls.

Understanding the Mainstream Shift

Blockchain’s integration with traditional commerce signifies a leap towards widespread adoption. While this promises a broader user base, it also means reconciling with traditional market expectations.

It’s revealing that when consumers are polled, many admit to prioritising convenience and cost savings over the ideal of decentralisation. This doesn’t mean compromising the core principles of blockchain but instead understanding that there are varying degrees of decentralisation. A pragmatic approach is needed, where solutions are tailored based on sector-specific needs, always aiming for that sweet spot of efficiency and decentralisation.

Blockchain’s integration with traditional commerce signifies a leap towards widespread adoption. However, as the digital realm rapidly evolves, the challenge for blockchain isn’t merely replacing or improving upon traditional systems, such as banks, but also outpacing contemporary digital solutions that may not be blockchain-based.

Consider the rise of digital solutions like Property Exchange Australia (PEXA) in the e-conveyancing space. PEXA, while not based on blockchain, revolutionised the property transaction process, streamlining it and providing a seamless digital experience. Blockchain solutions in similar sectors need to contend with these agile digital incumbents, proving their value not just over legacy systems but also over these newer, efficient platforms.

This means the promise of blockchain must transcend mere novelty. It needs to offer tangible, discernible advantages over both traditional systems and modern digital alternatives. It’s revealing that when consumers are polled, many admit to prioritising convenience and cost savings over the ideal of decentralisation. So, while the ethos of decentralisation remains vital, achieving mainstream adoption requires blending this with an unmatched user experience and cost-efficiency.

The path forward involves a pragmatic approach, recognising the varying layers of competition and tailoring blockchain solutions that address the unique needs of each sector, always aiming for that perfect blend of decentralisation, efficiency, and user-centricity.

First Principles and Value Proposition

The allure of blockchain often leads many to believe it’s the ultimate solution for every challenge. By grounding ourselves in first principles thinking, we’re better equipped to discern when and where blockchain truly adds value.

But beyond the application of blockchain, the heart of any successful project lies in its value proposition. As we’re seeing, the most robust and sustainable tokenomics models are those that mirror traditional business models. Rather than purely speculative tokens, the most resilient ones derive their value from tangible services or products that cater to a genuine market demand.

Consider the simplest of models: a business that offers a product or service and, in return, earns revenue. In the realm of Web3, tokens that represent a stake in such revenue streams or those that are essential for accessing specific services tend to have intrinsic value. These tokens aren’t merely speculative assets; they generate fees from genuine utility in a network or platform.

This move towards tokenomics that align with traditional business models isn’t just smart; it’s sustainable. It ensures that projects have a steady revenue model and aren’t solely reliant on market sentiment or speculative trading. As the Web3 space matures, stakeholders, from investors to end-users, will gravitate towards projects with clear utility and a proven value proposition. The emphasis will shift from mere token possession to tokens that enable access, governance, or revenue-sharing in platforms that deliver actual products and services.

For projects and investors alike, the call is clear: align with models that prioritise genuine value creation. Not only does this ensure the project’s longevity, but it also fosters trust and stability in the broader Web3 ecosystem.

The Role of ZK Proofs in Business Integration

Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZK proofs) have emerged as a transformative bridge between the need for transparency in blockchain transactions and the equally critical need for data privacy in business operations. But the capabilities of ZK proofs stretch beyond mere transactional confidentiality, reshaping how we handle, validate, and share sensitive data in the digital realm.

from Circularise

In traditional systems, validating confidential data often means exposing it to third-party entities, running the risk of breaches or unauthorised access. ZK proofs change the game by allowing one party (the prover) to prove to another party (the verifier) that a statement is true, without revealing any specific information about the statement itself. In essence, it verifies without revealing.

Imagine a financial institution needing to validate a client’s solvency without exposing their exact assets. Or consider a user proving they’re over a certain age without revealing their exact birth date. ZK proofs make such validations possible, preserving privacy while ensuring data integrity.

In the realm of Artificial Intelligence (AI), ZK proofs hold immense potential. Training AI models requires vast amounts of data, often sensitive. In industries like healthcare, finance, or public services, data transfer becomes a significant risk, both in terms of security and regulatory compliance. With ZK proofs, organisations can prove specific attributes about a dataset used in an AI model without actually moving or exposing the data. This allows for datasets to remain in their original, secure locations while AI models can be trained or validated based on the proofs provided.

This capability doesn’t just enhance data security; it revolutionises collaborative efforts in AI. Institutions can cooperate without data handovers, researchers can access valuable insights without direct data exposure, and AI-driven services can assure users that their personal data remains uncompromised.

As the digital world places increasing emphasis on data privacy and security, technologies like ZK proofs stand out as groundbreaking solutions. They provide a roadmap to a future where transparency, trust, and confidentiality coexist seamlessly, driving innovation while upholding the sanctity of data.

Analogy of ZK proofs with Where’s Wally (Waldo)

Facilitating Developers and Embracing AI

For Web3 to reach its potential, developer engagement is essential. Current challenges like volatile gas fees can deter developers accustomed to more predictable environments.

Addressing these concerns means streamlining the development process. SDKs tailored for blockchain integration, comprehensive documentation, and community support can pave the way. Additionally, standardising costs or providing tools to predict expenses will also bolster developer confidence.

Artificial Intelligence and blockchain are two technological frontiers that, when combined, can supercharge each other. Blockchain’s immutable ledger ensures data integrity for AI models, while AI can optimise processes, making blockchain operations swifter and more efficient.

Action Over Rhetoric

Engagement events, while essential for community building, are just the starting point. The Web3 community is uniquely positioned to drive real-world change, and to realise this potential, we must move beyond dialogue and into tangible initiatives.

  • Pilot Programs and Collaborations: Initiatives like the Reserve Bank of Australia’s CBDC sandbox (where NotCentralised had 1 of 15 projects involved) demonstrate the power of collaborative endeavors between the blockchain community and governmental entities (read more here). These partnerships not only stimulate innovation but also ensure that technology aligns with regulatory frameworks and societal needs.
  • Education and Awareness: As Web3 continues to evolve, there’s a dire need for educational programs that bridge the knowledge gap. This isn’t just about producing skilled developers but also about educating the general public, ensuring they can make informed decisions about new technologies.
  • Feedback Mechanisms: Constructive feedback, both from within the community and external parties, is crucial. Implementing regular feedback loops and channels allows for agile responses to emerging challenges, ensuring continuous refinement and improvement.
  • Inclusive Ecosystem Development: While technological advancements are crucial, it’s essential to ensure that these advancements cater to diverse demographics. Developing platforms and solutions that are accessible to various socioeconomic groups ensures more comprehensive adoption and more equitable benefits distribution.
  • Sustainability and Longevity: In the rush to innovate, long-term sustainability can sometimes be sidelined. Prioritising eco-friendly solutions and ensuring that projects have the potential for long-term viability will ensure the technology leaves a positive mark for generations to come.
  • Open Source Endeavors: Encouraging open-source projects and platforms can accelerate technological growth. When the global developer community collaborates, solutions are refined faster, bugs are addressed promptly, and a more robust system emerges.

By embracing these actions, we can ensure that the momentum generated during events like the Philippine Blockchain Week translates into sustainable growth and innovation for the Web3 space. The ultimate goal is to transition from a state of potential to a state of consistent realisation and benefit.

In Conclusion

Web3’s horizon is vast and promising. As we delve deeper during the Philippine Blockchain Week, let’s remember that the Web3 journey requires diligence, introspection, and a steadfast commitment to genuine value creation. Through collaborative efforts, we can ensure that Web3 realises its true potential, transforming industries and societies at large.



Mark Monfort

Co-Founder NotCentralised — data analytics / web3 / AI nerd exploring the world of emerging technologies