Who is NotCentralised?

Published in
1 min readJun 3, 2022

We’re a collective of professionals with experience solving problems with web3 and blockchain technology. We come from all walks of life and our skillset is diverse.

We see the evolution from web1 (read) to web2 (read, write) to web3 (read, write, own) as one of the greatest shifts in mankinds history which will usher in a new modern renaissance. We see it as a combination of technoogy, finance, economics and community and we bring these together in the following ways:

  • Advisory — Capital Raising, Education, Privacy, Impact / SDG alignment
  • Web3 Consulting — DAOs, Tokenomics, Governance, NFT/Metaverse, GameFi
  • Analysis — Data Analysis, On-chain metrics, Safety and Security Audits
  • Accounting and Tax — Tax, Legal, Regulatory, Crypto Accounting, Treasury Management
  • Community Building — PR, Communications, Marketing, Events, Discord Management
  • Digital and Creative — Graphic Design, Website creation, NFT design, POAPs
  • Recruitment — Executive and specialists staff, international and local
  • Public Relations — specialist finance and technology public relations and media engagement
  • Blockchain Development — blockchain app design and development

So, whether you’re only needing certain services from our menu or you need the whole thing, you’re best to get in touch so we can get the ball rolling.




NotCentralised is a web3 Venture Studio bringing a diverse range of skills together to solve tomorrow’s problems today.