Nodes, News and Networking

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3 min readNov 5, 2019

What to expect from Notch Training (Part 2)

Notch is a visual tool for real-time creativity. Our software enables creatives to make real-time, interactive, live content for a range of digital canvases.

Back in August, we shared “Particles, Post-It’s and Problem Solving”, an interview with three brilliant designers on their experience at Notch training. We’ve since run training in Japan, China and the USA, and met some awesome designers in the process.

Upon popular demand from the Notch community, we are now running additional training pathways. You can view our new training dates for content designers and technologists here.

Tito & Nas.

Tito Sabatini started in Motion Graphics in the early ’00s at MTV Brasil. Working in front of house at the Brazilian MTV awards sparked his interest in video design for stages. In 2009 he founded Duo2, a multi-format production company based in Sao Paulo. Duo2 produce content for television, corporate events and concerts.

Nas Hussain has 15 years of experience designing motion graphics for the corporate events industry. His company On Purpose Design produces motion graphics for conferences and product launches for clients such as Google, Facebook and Vauxhall.

What is your experience with Notch: have you dabbled or are you a complete beginner?

Tito: I’m not a complete beginner, no. I love to study a bit every day, I often follow advice from the community via the Notch User group on Facebook, it’s a great place to discover new ways of creating visuals.

Nas: I haven’t used Notch on a commercial event yet. I have just been learning. I watched all the Notch Academy and Tutorial videos on the Notch website before coming to the training. In my down-time, I load up Notch and play a bit, but that’s about it!

What did you expect to learn at training?

Tito: I hoped to gain a better understanding of Notch’s workflow, node systems and optimisation.

Nas: I imagined we would cover the Notch Academy training videos in more depth. I hoped to learn why specific workflows work and why others don’t. After I signed up someone said that there is no point because there are lots of tutorial videos out there — but they were really wrong!

What did you actually learn at training?

Nas: We covered Node connections and workflows in depth. The Notch manual is a useful tool for learning about different Nodes, but to have Armin explain and exemplify in person was brilliant. Attending training is definitely worth it.

Tito: We covered 3D integration, lighting, IMAG compositing tricks and workflows. It was amazing how much we covered in two days! There’s no shortcut to learning, but those two days felt like one.

Was there anything that surprised you?

Tito: Yes, I loved learning network integration with disguise. I can now use this knowledge while on-site looking at the stage and update my projects in real-time — it’s awesome. It was great to see how Notch systems can combine in different ways.

Nas: I was surprised by how closely-knit the Notch community is. I hope we keep this as Notch grows.

What are your next steps on your Notch journey?

Tito: I’m touring with Racionais MC’s, an iconic Brazilian rap band and in September the Mexican group Maná, both with loads of IMAG Notch effects.

Nas: I will keep practicing and experimenting in Notch. I have a big awards ceremony at the end of November, for which I plan to use Notch. In the meantime, I am going to send one of my team members to the next Notch training in London.

What advice would you give to someone thinking of coming to Notch training?

Nas: Soak up as much knowledge from the tutors as you can. Don’t just follow what they do on the screen, put your own twist on it. Everyone on the course is friendly, have a chat, it’s an excellent opportunity to network and meet other designers.

Tito: Just get a Learning license and go for it!

Notch runs in-person training on a regular basis, see our upcoming training dates here:




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