6 Customer Service Tools You Need to Retain More Customers in 2022

Sanni Oluwaseun
Published in
3 min readJul 21, 2022

Carpenters need hammers, fishers need hooks and lines, farmers need hoes and other farm tools; we could go on and on.

We’ve always depended on tools. From simple tools like the examples above to the highly sophisticated ones like the device you’re using to read this. We will always need the help of tools in our different endeavours, and customer service is no exception.

In an era where customers are bombarded with options, and their customer service expectations continue to rise, it has become pertinent for every business to get all the help they can get to improve customer service. For instance, Microsoft found that 76% of customers expect customer service representatives to know their product, contact and service history.

We spoke to professionals in the industry and did some other independent research and the result of all that is this list of tools you almost can’t do without if you intend to keep retaining your customers. But first, you need to understand how to choose a customer service tool that fits your need.


These are the three key factors to consider when selecting a customer service tool for your business:

1. Easy to Use and Smart

We looked at the solutions that are easy to use, both for the business and the customers. From a customer’s point of view, the tools should be intuitive and smart. From your point of view as a business or customer service manager, it should be easy to set up.

2. Is it Effective?

These tools are supposed to solve specific problems, so we only selected the tools that do just that. Another question to ask is whether it’s a stand-alone solution or you will need to supplement it with another tool.

For instance, why pay for a tool that supports email services alone, then pay extra for a ticketing system when you can have the two and more in a CRM solution such as NotchCX?

So, what are these tools you should involve in your effort to improve customer service in 2022? Here is a list of 6 customer service tools that is bound to help you retain more customers. Let’s get into it.

1. Live Chat

Live chat tools allow your support team to provide solutions to customers’ issues and complaints direct from your website, landing page or mobile app.

This makes life very easy for a lot of customers whose favourite word nowadays is convenience. Rather than leaving your website to send a mail or call, they can simply send a message there and then, and instantly have someone responding to them.

Aside from doing its core job of helping customers with their experience, live chat can also be harnessed as the hub for additional information that could convince a prospect to conv…Continue reading

