How CRM Can Supercharge Sales by 300%

Sanni Oluwaseun
Published in
2 min readMay 17, 2022

Did you know that a CRM can increase sales conversion rate by over 300%? Yup, you heard that right. You probably haven’t fully contextualised how huge 300% is, so let’s help you walk through it.

Say you currently close an average of 10 sales per month as a salesperson, a great CRM solution can help you increase that to 40. If the revenue generated from each sale is ₦40,000, the salesperson brings in about ₦400,000 per month. With A CRM, that figure could go up to ₦1,600,000 per month!

Two out of every three salespersons miss their sales quota. While CRM enabled sales teams to achieve their sales quota.

CRM systems gather, structure, and manage customer information to make sure you can track and enhance every buyer’s journey, enhance their customer experience, and better manage customer data. It’s worth noting that CRM is not for salespeople alone but the entire team. Here is why everyone on your team should use CRM. But today, we’re here for the sales guys! Let’s get into it.


Your job as a salesperson involves being the first ‘direct’ link to a prospect, lead, or potential customer. As a result, you have a lot to manage, including meetings, emails, and calls, while trying to meet sales targets. You have to find a way around all of these daily. Must be hard.

While the core of your job as a salesperson is selling, all these other activities tend to take all the time and effort, making it difficult for you to focus on what really matters — selling.

Below are some of the reasons CRM is important for sales, how CRM can increase sales, help optimize activities, and as a result, increase the general productivity of a salesperson.

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