Why You Need CRM For Your Business

Sanni Oluwaseun
Published in
5 min readApr 25, 2022

It takes months to find a customer, seconds to lose one. Your customers are the essence of your business. They are the reason why you do what you do; why you’re trying to solve that problem. Money doesn’t fall from the sky, it comes from people — customers!

By nature, human beings are deeply emotional creatures. Emotions drive our behaviours and tell us what is important or unimportant. Every buying decision is an emotional one… yes, even the soda you bought yesterday; or your preference to work with that company. To understand your customers, you have to understand who they are, and how they think. To understand this, you have two options; the Blue pill (the hard way), or the Red pill (the easy way). So choose…

Red Pill: Keeping mental track of information about all your customers, manually tracking every inquiry, using long and complicated sheets to keep data, manually keeping tabs on different customers, etc.

Blue Pill: Using a solution that helps you better understand and satisfy them, while automating your internal processes. The blue pill is a CRM platform.

What’s a CRM?

CRM means Customer Relationship Management. It’s a technology that helps to manage your interactions and communications with customers and prospects. A CRM platform also enables easier sales management, sales pipeline, sales team management, and contact management, among others.

A good CRM platform is a powerful machine that generates incredibly vital information such as the customer’s personal information, preferences, recent orders, or the status of those orders. In strategic hands, this data is insight. With all the data, business owners, sales reps, marketers, and support staff can better understand prospects and customers, and craft personalized experiences to sell much more.

CRMs are fantastic because they are easily applicable in every industry, be it Banking & Finance, Hospitality, Travel & Tourism, Non-Profit, Healthcare, etc.

But how do all of these affect your bottom line? Nucleus Research found that every dollar invested in a CRM solution returns an average of $8.7. Even more interesting is the fact that this number is projected to grow as CRMs get more affordable and popular.

How Does CRM Benefit Each Department?

CRM can boost the sales of a salesperson by over 41%, TrackVia

Salespeople are one of the biggest beneficiaries of CRM. One could write a whole book on how CRM solutions help salespeople to close more sales deals, boost productivity, and simplify work. But how does a CRM make this possible? The first of them is lead management. A CRM tool can help you effectively organize your leads based on characteristics such as location, gender, buying behaviour, preferences and so on. With this, you can effectively follow up with the customer and easily close deals using the information you have about them.

Also, good CRM software will help you manage your activities by keeping important records for you. This way you never miss important sales opportunities. Think of this as your virtual assistant pro max.

Other benefits of CRM to a salesperson include pipeline management, sales forecasting, email tracking, document sharing, and overall improved productivity.

The Sales Manager

Besides the number of things CRM does for sales teams, it also helps the manager to manage the team effectively. The sales manager can easily track new and existing leads, assign leads to salespeople, assess performance, set targets, review changes, and make important decisions using a CRM.

The Creative Marketers

Data-driven Marketing is about, you guessed it, data; data to evaluate marketing efforts; to target the right customer; to know the right marketing messages to send; know when to send, and so on.

And one of the biggest benefits of CRM is that it provides robust data for everyone to work with. Marketers analyse data and use the insights to identify customer behaviour, spending habits and so on. Imagine being able to send a text, email, or in-app notification to a prospect just when they get close to your store, about a product they seam to be interested in and have viewed a few times.

With the sheer amount of data a CRM provides, marketing teams can better find, target, capture, nurture, convert and retain leads. They can track a prospect’s journey from start to finish.

The Big Boss | Business Owners

Running a business is no walk in the park. Business owners and CEOs tend to be really busy people with endless meetings, decisions, and tasks. As a leader, it’s your primary role to manage everything and everyone.

With CRM, you get a hawk-eye view of your entire business at a glance — sales, marketing, business development, customer service and everything else in between. While the general notion is that a CRM helps provide a great experience for customers, the biggest winner in the use of CRM is the business owner.

Benefits of CRM to Customer Experience

Let’s be real here, there’s hardly any product or service you offer that your customer can’t get somewhere else. Why should they choose or remain with you? Customers today desire the best experience. With many options to choose from, they’ll leave you for your competitor if your brand doesn’t leave a mark. Recall earlier in this article where we spoke about the emotions of your customers and its connection to their buying decision? Your brand and the experience it gives the customer is what makes the difference.

The whole essence of CRM is to manage customer experience. CRM solutions helps a customer experience/success personnel to monitor the customers’ journey and offer assistance whenever necessary. For instance, if you notice from your CRM dashboard that a customer is stuck on a particular page for too long, you can easily reach out to such a customer to know what the problem is and help them overcome that challenge.

Also, when customers send complaints via different channels, you can easily address all of those complaints from the comfort of your CRM without having to run from one platform to another.

Grow faster With NotchCX CRM

With a world-class CRM like NotchCX you can track every aspect of your customer journey, create fantastic experiences for your customers, convert more, and increase your sales.

NotchCX is the most flexible customer experience solution that can manage any team and any workflow. We’ll help you and your team meet your customers at various points of their buyer journey, convert them, and retain a good relationship afterwards. NotchCX prides itself in providing all the solutions above, while still being robust and user-friendly.

If you started this article with the question “why do I need CRM”, you should be thinking, “how do I get a good CRM solution?”. Take the first step to a better user experience, more productive team and overall business success.

Book a demo session now

