Collective Independence

Shannon Lou-anne Delbridge
NotCoffee Apparel


By Shannon Delbridge

Nick and I spent some time brainstorming this article and the topic of Collective Independence ideas that we brought up involved being happy and living your happiest life, not caring about what others think. The most important opinion is your own.

Breaking down the idea of collective independence for myself I imagined buying a packet of jelly beans (yummy right) and spreading them out onto a table in front of me and maybe eating a couple as I spread them out. The point I am trying to bring across though is when looking at the jelly beans closer before popping them into my mouth I realised that apart from loving the taste of the yellow ones (not sure which flavour they are, I always thought lemon) more than all of the other colours and eating those first, none of the jelly beans were the same colour or the same shape. This might be a silly example but it made sense to me that no person is the same as another person, we all dress and act differently and eat different foods (well maybe we all love pizza though) and this makes us unique but what makes us the same is that we are all human.

I found the heart of collective independence to be the uniqueness that we all wish to show in ourselves as a community of unique individuals. (What’s important to me won’t be important to someone else, for example I get upset if my friend doesnt’ send an emoji back on whatsapp when talking to me)

You are your own source of independence and we would like to tag along as you show your independence, maybe try cutting off the sleeves on your shirts if they feel to boxy or wear it with neon orange shorts and flip flops because we all know someone who can pull that off… If that’s your brand then all I can ask is that you embrace your own individuality “Do what makes you happy, regardless of what others think”

