Naval Ravikant with Joe Rogan

Sandesh Agrawal
Notes For Thought
Published in
3 min readJun 24, 2019

> Look for aha moments. Combine two very different things. Like you put a bear on a cycle leading to circus.

> Compliments builds up a self image in our minds. Once in a while someone hurls an insult to damage this image. And not many insults take to cancel out 10 positive compliments. This is the reason that celebrities are most vulnerable. Social media is building out celebrity of everyone.

> Desire is a contract you make with yourself to be unhappy until you get what you want.

> Instead of working mediocre for a longer time, produce high quality work in shorter time for similar pay. Spend rest of the time on yourself. This will be the future of work. Internet even currently allows people to work on projects they want from a location they want on a schedule they want.

> Automation eliminates repetitive manual jobs and replaces it with more creative jobs. (My analysis: Here is a pointer to think on new ideas.Think repetitive manual work in current software process and automate it by building more software.)

> General AI is highly unlikely in our lifetime. All we do in AI is solving bounded deterministic problem using pattern recognition. We haven’t even simulated how our brain works. AI is not evolved enough to deal with unbounded life.

> Tribal struggle was against other tribes. In tribes you had your family/friends with you. Modern struggle is not getting addicted to stuff on internet, worst we stand alone here.. Best minds are working to click bait you.

> Search engines and social network are the one which influence people decisions. If they are biased towards a particular group or pressurized by government, they will lead to biased media. Future is decentralized media. (My analysis: Could blockchain technology be used to decentralize media ? )

> There are 3 billions Indians and Chinese. Many of them are living in poverty. These people are not gonna give up economic growth. They want to get out of poverty first. The solution to environmental problem is not stopping growth but green technology.

> When you memorize a concept, it is an indication you do not understand it. It is important to understand the fundamentals and be able to derive results from it rather than just memorizing the result.

> Every man has two lives, and the second starts when he realizes he has just one — Confucius

> Happy thoughts dissipate quickly. Negative thoughts linger for a long time. So if you find positive in all the things, you let those thoughts go more quickly.

> Ask yourself — “Would I still be interested in learning this thing if I could not tell anybody about it.” This is how you know if it is real.

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I have 10 years of industry experience in Google, Adobe & Goldman Sachs. I took 100+ interviews at Google to hire for the role of Software Engineer. I am a former Tech lead at Google Pay & Google Ads team. I am helping everyone build a successful career in Software industry.

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