
*dear @Biz + Livia

Matt Jude
Solution X
Published in
4 min readNov 9, 2016


will you share some time with me in this dark vault of mine?
let us confer about seclusion amidst some smoke and wine.
dear my dearest friends, here are the thoughts i have acquired:
but before we continue, perhaps some caution is required.
please mind the step if you will, of my predestined fate —
beware you don’t get trapped in my unrequited state.

…you’re only as safe as your last insecurity

alone in here:
i travel around in perfect circles with no apparent destination,
it feels i’ve ended where i’ve begun with added complication.
have you ever taken flight, rising high with elegant motion?
i dream IT without end, yet brood in blue emotion.

why is a nimbus like a writing desk, fully stacking obscurity?

alone in-ear:
i’m sitting pretty in deathly silence with all my lewd transgressions,
what a waste of mental fuel deliberating these obsessions.
allow me to educate you what i know of isolation —
a curse of shame humbly called: an unwelcome desolation.
melancholotonomy — ha! like some practical joke,
it can leave you dead and undone, this burdensome yoke.

alone in here:
i started a Biz with the shadows of my imagination,
micromentions keeping me from all my rumination.
a right-wing emerges on, and my far side is Vanilla Katinka,
singing dynamic sagas of github data-rotica.
hashtagging my life with bitbuckets full of stress.
404! connection reset by peer — but i shouldn’t digress.

i’ve no credibility dabbling with such foolish muse,
so forgive my dispositions of written self-abuse.
i suppose this is my ration of affliction you see,
my unix ways are out of awk, being grep to some degree.
but my root runs deep, something terminal to say the least,
i stab it with my steely knives but i just can’t kill the beast.

The future of tech:



…and one biglove from ZA to all the troops at war in the middle east!

We are!

alone in fear:
my freedom is my solution’s cost, my 30 day prohibition,
nubivagantly i shall remain a precarious exhibition.
so let all my webhooks flow free from degredation
while i do an f5 and refresh this abberation.
i pray my silicon angels provision a victory event,
while i blog my spirit free from this ux torment.

alone i’m here:
i’ll find those just like you, my dearest dear readers,
nefelibata designers green-tweeting new leaders.
i’ll Go repo myself and build apps in the zone,
with ace-spades and fanfare, into the wiki unknown.
my seattle cloud will twitch my art for a change,
like how paper swans became my online exchange.

dividing by zero — the remainder is change.

alone in gear:
buffering up my hoots, i’ll auto-dm my lover,
who bootstrapped a ruby with Jelly co-founders.
dressed up in data, a french nightingale discovers:
an infinite indigo under coupure èlectrique covers.

i love a bird with a story

imagine veggies:
on leap day, have you ever?
because, i’ve never!

(a super predictive data-haiku)

so indies,!

to the spaceghosts,
A/B testing null dreams with free-tier LAMP hosts.
and maybe after shopifying all of the blockchains,
my victory angel-listed with names —

Grateful to:

@andrew in support, @bijan, @biz-stone, @brian-kadar, @cantoni, @emily-delmont-2, @finkel, @kevinthau, @zoefinkel, and @Mom

zero/divide us?

Q4 End Goals:

  1. A co-working space other than my bedroom.
  2. A DirectConnect link to Oregon.
  3. Unicorn lottery, there will be blessings of unicorns.
  4. Developers, developers, developers.
  5. Washing machine learning and an Uber for Dogs with (Daniel Singer )
  6. Thingamajigs sub-tweeting #askjelly the street, aka “jelly grind
  7. Sustainable B corp un-pivots.
  8. An open graffiti wall of “oh, that happened to me”.
  9. #FringeCloud (Future Tech)
  10. Magic, the Gathering connect-5 with ‘Why Combinations.’
  11. Speculative ‘stacklore’ and predictive trends. (How to Hipster +1)
  12. One giant magic leap of faith.



Matt Jude
Solution X

atypical nefelibata “cloud-walker” (lit sic.) liberal, pantheistic, and insecure. nubivagantly dreaming of a scintilla in abditory. engineer by design. ✌️