my name is matt ✌

i don’t like capital letters

Matt Jude
Solution X


i have a strong desire to make my thoughts known to the world.

when i speak or write, i am often hoping to use my convictions to motivate others to participate in advocacy or i hope to reveal a hidden truth about the human experience. i am greatly concerned with ethics and justice and have a deep intent to speak about current issues and events.

i am introspective, cooperative, informative, and expressive.

i am the most inspiring and animated of the role variants. i am very individualistic and often feel a need to experience significant social events. i consider intense emotional experiences to be vital to growth and view the world as a creative sandbox.

i am constantly seeking to learn about everything that has to do with advancement of good and the retreat of ‘darkness’ in the world.

i strive toward a kind of personal authenticity and this intention always to be myself is usually quite inviting to others. at the same time, i have outstanding intuitive insight and can at most times predict what is going on inside of others, reading hidden emotions and giving special significance to words or actions.

in fact, i am constantly scanning the social environment, and no intriguing character or silent motive is likely to escape my attention. 💫

i am good with people

and usually have a wide range of personal and professional relationships. i am warm and full of energy during support sessions, driving resolution and satisfaction with my clients.

i am good in public and on the telephone, and known to be spontaneous and eccentric. this empowers my leadership dynamics as i am able to adapt to changes with agility and dexterity, which encourages and motivates fellow team members as well.

i am a positive, exuberant person, and often my confidence in the goodness of life and human nature makes even better things happen.

i am an engineer, by design.

i will build the system, i will fix the bugs, and, in most cases, i will re-market the bugs as the new features in next quarter’s growth labs.

connect with me




Matt Jude
Solution X

atypical nefelibata “cloud-walker” (lit sic.) liberal, pantheistic, and insecure. nubivagantly dreaming of a scintilla in abditory. engineer by design. ✌️