What We Believe In

The core beliefs and concepts that we pride ourselves in



Our team has been working on notebowl now since our days in college. We have gone through challenges and the rollercoaster of the buildup of a startup company. This has taught us a lot about what we believe in and sticking to our beliefs to create a better future. So what are the core beliefs when it comes to building an education technology company? And what do we really think about the future of education?

Social Learning

We believe the future of learning is social. We think that end users like faculty and students want a more interactive classroom that begins with communication. We believe that a classroom is like a mini social network. Allowing students to communicate, collaborate and succeed with others. Taking their assessments, studying together and asking questions to their class. We believe a classroom is better when technology is combined with teaching. When you don’t have to send redundant emails to faculty members. And when faculty members don’t have to waste hours of time answering the same questions.


We believe in having a platform that automates the redundant. Makes it easy to get notifications to your phone. Allows for your syllabus to be digital and connected to your calendar. We believe you should not have to live in the past. We should take advantage of technology to move our world forward. To focus on teaching and learning rather than spending more time managing technology. To give students and faculty more time to create interactions, spend time with others and enjoy their educational experience.

App Store

We believe that a platform starts with what it integrates. We think that a company should be a collaborator at heart and wanting to work with others. Creating partnerships and connecting applications to make things better for the end users. We believe that trying to create everything is a waste of money. Integrating technology should be a part of your vision rather than an after thought. We believe in students as creators. We think students have the potential to create applications and hack their own educational experience. To make an impact on their classes, their schools and education as a whole.

A Connected Campus

We believe in connecting the campus to academics online. A university is a product of both academics and non-academics. Why do we not have a platform that provides both? We believe a platform that provides social interaction from the start should connect your campus life experience with your academic one. We believe students want to be notified about opportunities, events, clubs or organizations. Where they can access all information, search it, find it, and go and do it.

Mobile focus

We believe that a mobile application should not be rushed but thought through. We think of other applications in the Learning Management System as merely a checklist item. Why can’t you access push notifications for assignments yet? We think that mobile will be a big part of a students campus and academic experience. Where students can utilize their devices to submit video assignments, interact with classmates and find information or opportunities. The future is mobile and we believe we will help shape it.

Constant Innovation

We believe in constant innovation in education. A product should always be evolving, never settling and always thinking outside the box. We believe in challenging the status quo. Questioning everything. Getting to the bottom of the problem. Never taking no for an answer. Going against the norm. It’s the only way you solve problems and move our world forward.

Sharing Value

We believe in sharing value with our customers. Giving them the tools to succeed. Providing them the best platform, high quality support and a team with a vision to help our customers achieve their goals. Listening to our customers and taking in feedback. Developing tools and functionality that provide a better experience for all. We believe in a company that shares value and grows with customers. A company that stays consistent and hits its vision.


We believe a company is only as good as its support. Having a constant feedback loop. Up at midnight and back again in the early hours of the morning. We think that support starts with each and every user. That students and faculty need the right attention. We believe in ideation from our users. Getting feedback on the future from the future.

End users

We believe in designing a platform that is meant for the end users. That provides an experience that is easy to use and to understand. That is modern and intuitive like applications our users use outside of education. We believe that this should not change as we grow. That we continue to strive for excellence in user interface and design. That we help our users with onboarding and walkthroughs. That users do not struggle and are never left behind. We believe in designing with our users in mind.

We believe in disrupting an old and archaic market. We believe we are shaping the future of education. This is what we believe. What we pride ourselves in. What we strive for. And what we are doing to impact our world and education for all. Join us on our mission to reshape education and continue the fight.




Helping students, professors and administrators reach their full potential through a social learning platform!