Sacer Joy

Ryan Glenn
noted pieces
Published in
2 min readMay 15, 2023


The terrifying implications of the far-right Catholic censorship

A hum. A buzz. A reverberation. Long has the nave been filled with the sonic tones of organs, bell, and the ringing sounds of timidly struck metals. Within the sanctuary silence the wavelengths seem to linger longer, droning on before decaying to nothing as their forms dissolves apart. Yet even then, for a moment, a lingering silent presence is felt.

The liturgical peace found within that reflective moment is one of the most profound experiences of humanity. Whether one believes in a God or not, whether one attends a church or not, whether one can hear or not, we can understand the colossal presence of silence in a sanctuary. An organ drone can help guide us to the silence peacefully rather than abruptly face deprivation.

In 2019 Kali Malone released an album as an organ and electronic drone composer. A massive and meditative piece called The Sacrificial Code that spans over two hours. Widely regarded as beautiful and a classical crossover breakout album. The fourth track of the album is entitled Sacer Profanare, the latin words for sacred and profane respectively.

It is because of the albums title and fourth track that the far-right Catholic group, Civitas, decided to protest a performance by Malone at a French parish in Carnac. In addition to the titles, they also protested the use…



Ryan Glenn
noted pieces

I write poetry, short stories, local and national music happenings, and some humor.