UI and UX Updates

Eduard Metzger
NotePlan app
Published in
3 min readJul 22, 2018

In the upcoming version for iOS the overall design will be cleaned up and more minimalist than before. Since we use Swift as programming language we can finally use native UI elements bringing you well known features like track-pad mode (moving the cursor by force pressing the keyboard on iPhone or normal-pressing with two fingers on iPad), smoother scrolling experience, double tap to select a word, scroll to top by tapping on the status bar and all the other details known from other apps. Also all the small inconveniences are being fixed like the keyboard closing when you swipe through the markdown toolbar.

Here is a sneak-peak:


To remove the visual clutter we have changed the orange background color of the top bar in all views to the text background color (white now in the default theme), effectively “removing” the bar. This way the the calendar and notes look lighter and much better. The default theme was also changed to look lighter. The background is white and the orange is only visible in the text for the asterisk and other important details like links.

Calendar and Note view lighter and cleaner — without the orange bar at the top

Looks also great with a dark theme:

Improved design with Dracula theme

Notes List View

In the notes overview we are also using familiar UI now like seen in other apps. That is the notes are displayed in a list view instead of a grid view. And you can swipe to delete. This gives us more space to display the notes’ title, some text and we have room for more details like modification date. The button to create a new note has been also moved to the bottom right so it’s easier reachable and won’t take up space on the title bar.

List of Notes — Redesigned


Changing months in the calendar got a smooth and continuous swipe gesture now. We did the same for notes so it looks and feels more natural. Switching between the days is really awesome now!

Smooth Swiping through months and days

Coming soon as TestFlight Beta. Sign up here to get notified and for further details about the app: https://noteplan.co

And let me know if you got any feedback! Just shoot a comment below this post.

