What’s New in NotePlan v2.0 for iOS?

Eduard Metzger
NotePlan app
3 min readNov 22, 2018


The v2.0 of NotePlan is finally releasing soon on the AppStore. This is a complete rewrite from scratch of the v1.0 using the newest technology.

(For tech nerds: it’s written in Swift 4.2 and I’m using unit- and UI tests extensively, as well as the storyboard to design and structure the interface)

The purpose of the rewrite was to kick the quality up a notch. For one, the experience was not completely native. Things like scrolling and moving the cursor by force-touch were not working as expected. Additionally, I used the opportunity to tweak the design further:

Smooth scrolling, tweaked design and force-touch.
Smooth scrolling, tweaked design and force-touch.

Week View with Agenda

Highly requested features such as week view and managing events and reminders are other important points in this release. Both points were addressed in the 2.0 making it the best version of NotePlan ever created.

The agenda also looks beautiful now and is actionable. All the items in your note are converted into non-markdown, better-looking version:

Checking off items directly in the agenda
Checking off items directly in the agenda

Calendar Events & Reminders

Finally, you can also create new events and reminders and edit existing ones. And that with a quick swipe down. Almost all the default fields are available: all-day, starts, ends, repeat options, alerts, target calendar. We plan to add more in future, like notes, more alerts and the location. Now you can also see the color of the target calendar just beside the title.

When you create a reminder you have the option to set it to repeat. This is useful if you want to setup some routine or habits for example. A recurring event for every day is a bit clunky, because they are copied across your whole calendar. But a recurring reminder copies itself only after you have checked it off as completed.

Create events and reminders directly inside the note.
Create events and reminders directly inside the note.

Project Note Sync

There are many more gems in this update. Project planners will love the following one: Create a project note with to-dos, now attach a date tag to yoru to-dos and they will appear inside the daily note of that date. You can even adjust the schedule function in the preferences so it just adds a date for this purpose, without the copy and marking parts. Activate “Only add date when scheduling in notes” under “Todos” and this magic will happen:

Create todos in your project notes, date them and they sync into your daily notes. Checking off as done will sync back to the note as well.
Create todos in your project notes, date them and they sync into your daily notes. Checking off as done will sync back to the note as well.

When Will NotePlan 2.0 Be Released?

I’m aiming for the second week of December. So it will be available within the next few weeks on the AppStore. This will be a free upgrade for existing customers.

This time NotePlan comes with a 14-day trial directly on the AppStore. You can unlock it after the 14 days by purchasing a license inside the app (In-App-Purchase). If you have purchased a license before v2.0, it will be detected as well. If you don’t purchase a license, it will be available as read-only.

More details soon! Stay tuned. Sign up on the website to receive updates, if you didn’t already.

Can I Still Try the Beta?

Yes! Join TestFlight here: https://testflight.apple.com/join/mrSbc937

What about macOS?

I’m planning to update this as well to 2.0 once the iOS version is out. The macOS version also needs a massive rewrite. But this time a lot of code can be shared from the iOS version.

Originally published at www.noteplan.co on November 22, 2018.

