Careful What You Wish For — You Might Just Get It

How I accidentally became what I thought about.

Aure's Notes


Photo by Kamil Pietrzak on Unsplash

In 2000, my dad went to Australia which awakened in me a sense of exotism and wonder.

“One day, I’ll go to Australia too”, I thought.

As I was looking for something to do with my life in May 2013, my childhood dream suddenly came back from the depths of my subconscious.

I landed in Perth on the 16th of September 2013.

Perth, Australia, September 2013. Photo from the author.

One year earlier, I had visited Rotterdam during a family vacation.

I had never seen a skyscraper, so I can’t tell you how impressed I was with the modern architecture of the Dutch city.

I remember walking around thinking, “it’d be pretty great to live here”.

Three years later, I started university in Rotterdam.

During my studies, we were given the opportunity to do an internship. At the time, I was interested in European politics and checked if it was possible to do the Blue Book traineeship at the European Commission.



Aure's Notes
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