Why Don’t We Clone Exceptional People?

Genuine question.

Aure's Notes



I ran across this article in which the author argued in favor of cloning Elon.

Apparently, it’s legal in the United States and it’s fairly easy to do since the process is the same for humans and animals and we’ve done it a lot already.

All we need is to extract the nucleus of a cell (containing the DNA) and insert it into an egg whose DNA was removed.

Then we stimulate the egg with an electric shock to compel it to develop and implement it inside a volunteer.

After 9 months, you have a clone.

This process would help solve many problems. Imagine having a thousand Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos, or Einstein, or whoever came up with brilliant solutions to difficult problems.

Imagine having hundreds of thousands Miranda Kerr!


So, What Is Stopping Us?

Mostly ethics.

Some people see a moral or ethical dilemma in cloning human beings.

I don’t think I do.



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