“A way to beat” social algorithms and increase social media reach

Notes from Around.io
1 min readAug 8, 2016

Every social network filters content using algorithms that are updated, changed and sharpened with every iteration/update.

Every algorithm is aimed to keeping bad, non-engaging content out of the newsfeed of users.

But on two occasions, typically, the effect of the algorithm is either zero or very little.

  1. When a new social platform launches
  2. When a social platform launches a new content format

This is why (among other reasons) Facebook videos enjoy greater reach than photo posts.

And that’s why Instagram’s new feature — Instagram Stories — will get massive reach within the network. At work, using our Instagram account, I found many Instagram Stories on top of the newsfeed from people whose other posts I don’t even see on the newsfeed.

The general principle here is something every savvy marketer knows and applies — even if unconsciously. Embrace what’s new. Especially on social.

Not every new feature wins, of course. But every time there’s a new content feature and a marketer gets to use them first, curiosity gets the crowds paying attention to your content. And that snowballs into engagement, reach and traffic.



Notes from Around.io

frontend dev. writer. curator. part-time maker of web things. works @ algoshelf.com / scribbles @ notes.druchan.com