Show your work! How to contribute ✍️

Interested in showing what you do, why, how, or what you’ve learned while in the Newmark-J School, or would like to share one of the most valuable things you took away when you graduated? Here is how you can submit your publication to Notes from the Classroom.

Miguel Paz
Notes from the Classroom
3 min readApr 6, 2019


Electionland. One of the many collaborative journalism initiatives in which the Newmark-J School took part and hosted in our newsroom with active involvement of the student body.

Hola, there!

I hope you are doing wonderful.

Notes from the Classroom is a publication, I created, to share stuff from the courses I teach, and also from other classes and things that happen in the Newmark-J School at CUNY.

To start I asked my current data students (Spring, 2019) to write about their work.

Writing about what we do, how and why -and doing it in public I believe- is important for several reasons:

  1. It serves us and our community to engage in journalism as a civic form of conversation and debate with others.
  2. It contributes to the professional values of our reporters/students/alumni.
  3. We can learn from you and celebrate you.
  4. It gives you a bit of exposure for career advancement (as someone who has hired, hires and recommends people for job positions, seeing how you think and do stuff, is powerful and it adds a ton to your resume and it helps you a lot to start conversing about what you do and your experience.
  5. Last but not least, it contributes to show the world all the awesomeness that goes on in your beat reporting, in the Newmark-J School’s programs and in our newsroom (as you can see in the video below of Charo Henríquez, Senior Editor for Digital Transition Strategy at The New York Times, talking about diversity and inclusion in the newsroom, during the 2018 Latino Media Summit).

Type of posts

If you want to contribute, there is only one requisite: it has to be about something memorable you did, learned, experienced or took away from your time at our School. Think of it as a post that someone will read and will be able to apply or use in their reporting for their work at the School or elsewhere. Additionally, think of it as a post that showcases you as a professional so if someone in the industry reads it and likes it, it could lead to a potential connection.

Our School is diverse as hell. And so are the languages we speak and hear here everyday. Hence: your contribution can be in English, Spanish, French, Italian, Hindi, Chinese, Bengali, Tagalog, Russian or any other language of your choice. I only know English and Spanish, but with the help of colleagues, we can edit you if needed.

Steps to send your contribution

  1. Create a Medium account. You can sign up with Twitter, email or Facebook.
  2. Write the post (Some examples: What I learned about X, The challenges I overcame by doing Y, How 3 months of reporting lead me to Z, The big impact of a X story, The FOIA that gave me all, Three tools I use everyday, How I learned to ask tough questions to people and data, What not to do in a job interview, Relax you got this: data journalism is a marathon and you can make it one day at a time, How we exposed corruption at X, My workflow and tech rig, etc.)
  3. Include one nice image with caption and credit (if you don’t I will add one of my choosing). If you can, include other elements too (charts, gifs, video, audio, documents, etc.)
  4. At the bottom of the post, please add a short bio, your Class year and what your work on and/or where. Example:
    Juana Soto is a MA 18 from the Newmark Graduate School of Journalism at CUNY. She covers criminal justice and uses data to investigate and produce in-depth stories. She currently works at ACME News. You can follow here in
  5. Once you are ready, save your draft and submit it it to Notes from the Classroom, as it is explained in this Medium post.
  6. I will review your contribution, make edits if needed and ask you to review the edits, before posting. Once it’s ready, I’ll schedule the publication and let you know.

Thats it. Keep sparking joy and outrage for the sake of good journalism that serves our communities.

Miguel Paz

*If you have questions or want to drop me a line, send me a DM in Twitter (open for messages)



Miguel Paz
Notes from the Classroom

CEO Journalist. Professor. Previously @newmarkjschool, @niemanfdn, @bkcharvard fellow, @icfj fellow, @Poderopedia, and more