【Welfare Assessment 動物福利評估表】For Zoo & Aquarium Reptiles 展演爬行動物

HM Yeh
Notes on Animal Welfare Science
5 min readMar 25, 2024

Since many of you seem to be interested in our previous attempt in drafting a welfare assessment sheet for aquarium fish, I’m guessing that you may enjoy the one for zoo and aquarium reptiles as well. Thus, I would like to share the collective effort in creating a welfare assessment sheet for exhibited reptiles from me and my Colleague H, who has abundant experience and knowledge in reptile care at zoos and global exotic pet trade (secretly one of the great people who I admire quite a lot). Perhaps I’m getting slightly too confident, but I think it’s worth sharing this in both English and Traditional Chinese in the hope that more people can access the content and maybe spark some discussion.


The original design of this assessment was structured as other Quality of Life Assessments for mammals and birds at a zoo. However, we believe the assessment will probably be more comprehensive if we extrapolate the structure of the aquarium fish assessment. So, that is mainly what we did. Furthermore, we round the final score up to 150, which is the same as that of the fish assessment, so that any organisation wish to reallocate their resources based on the results of the assessments can easily compare the scores from the two taxa.


(The Traditional Chinese version will be after the English version)


A Gaboon Viper (Bitis gabonica) in an English zoo. 英國某座動物園的加彭膨蝰(Bitis gabonica)。


For those who isn’t sure about what UV light conditions are appropriate for the species kept, we recommend checking out the Ferguson Zone for different reptile species as a reference (See here to find out which Ferguson Zone category your reptile belongs to).
For the full list of stress-related and abnormal behaviours, see this study by Warwick et al. (2013).
We’ve recognised that the domain final scores registered as ‘Quality of Life Threatening’ don’t add up as 80 but still use 80 as the minimum standard to provide some flexibility in score interpretation. However, to have any domain final score scoring less than the ‘Quality of Life Threatening’ is itself of serious welfare concern and relevant aspects contributing to such domain should be reviewed and revised.

Since we spent quite some time and effort in creating this assessment, please do not use it without our permission or sharing it without specifying its source. Nonetheless, if anyone is interested in putting it into application, feel free to contact us for further discussions, collaborations and etc..


如果不確定自己飼養的爬行動物物種適合什麼樣的UV光,我們建議可以參考Ferguson Zone(一個國際慣用的爬行動物UV分類系統)的分群(可以參考這個網站上的清單)。
如果想知道其他緊迫與異常行為,可以參考這篇Warwick et al. (2013)的研究



Welfare Quality Network | Assessment Protocols. (n.d.). https://www.welfarequalitynetwork.net/en-us/reports/assessment-protocols/

Warwick, C., Arena, P., Lindley, S., Jessop, M., & Steedman, C. (2013). Assessing reptile welfare using behavioural criteria. In Practice, 35(3), 123–131. https://doi.org/10.1136/inp.f1197

Hewitt, L., & Small, A. (2021). Welfare of Farmed Crocodilians: Identification of potential Animal-Based Measures using elicitation of expert opinion. Animals, 11(12), 3450. https://doi.org/10.3390/ani11123450

Benn, A. L., McLelland, D. J., & Whittaker, A. L. (2019). A Review of Welfare Assessment Methods in Reptiles, and Preliminary Application of the Welfare Quality® Protocol to the Pygmy Blue-Tongue Skink, Tiliqua adelaidensis, Using Animal-Based Measures. Animals, 9(1), 27. https://doi.org/10.3390/ani9010027

Whittaker, A. L., Golder-Dewar, B., Triggs, J. L., Sherwen, S., & McLelland, D. J. (2021). Identification of Animal-Based Welfare Indicators in captive reptiles: a Delphi Consultation survey. Animals, 11(7), 2010. https://doi.org/10.3390/ani11072010

Baines, F. M., Chattell, J., Dale, J., Garrick, D., Gill, I., Goetz, M., … & Swatman, M. (2016). How much UVB does my reptile need? The UV-Tool, a guide to the selection of UV lighting for reptiles and amphibians in captivity. Journal of Zoo and Aquarium Research, 4(1), 42–63.





HM Yeh
Notes on Animal Welfare Science

The first Taiwanese to graduate from MSc Animal Welfare Science, Ethics & Law, University of Glasgow 第一個從英國格拉斯哥大學動物福利科學、倫理與法律碩士班畢業的台灣人