Creating a good Facebook Page

Sam Howdle
Ekko: In Sync
Published in
6 min readJan 13, 2017

What is a Facebook Page? And how does Ekko use it?

Ekko’s Kafee Theme in action

A Facebook Page is your business profile on Facebook. Whether you’re a photographer, a restaurant or an avid Star Wars fan creating a fan page.

An Ekko website is your Facebook Page content displayed as a website.

Your new Ekko website uses your Facebook Page to manage and populate it’s content, without the use of a CMS or a site builder.

Creating a good Facebook Page is the key to getting the most out of your Ekko website.

When we set up our own Facebook Page for Ekko, we realised how easy it can be to get bogged down in too much information and too many options. We put together some useful tips.

The Facebook Page content that Ekko uses

Firstly, it’s worth knowing that Ekko can create your website from the following Facebook Page fields:

Page name, about text, description text, profile picture, cover photo, events, posts, location, opening hours & email addresses.

Create your page

Facebook ask you to select a category for your Page and depending on the category you choose, will offer different content fields to flesh out your Page with. This is not set in stone, so don’t worry, you can change this later if you decide it’s not the right one. Here’s a table outlining the Facebook categories and the content fields each one offers.

Facebook official table of category content

You may find it easier to skip the inital set up questions Facebook ask you.

Page set up process. Skip or not skip?

You can then populate your Facebook Page from a blank canvas, picking and choosing what information you think is relevant to your business.

So where do you start?

Profile and Cover Pictures

Images are a great way to instantly give your Facebook Page identity and colour. And it’s also a really simple starting point.

Click profile picture>upload/take picture and select the image you want to use. We’ve chosen to use our logo:

Add profile picture

The cover picture is the same process: cover picture>upload/take photo and then select the image. Ekko will often use your cover image as the first visual on your website, also known as a “Hero Image” in website-lingo. It’s wise to use an image that represents your business, for example; a cafe might use an image of a cup of coffee.

Add cover photo

There are two main page editing areas

About > Edit Page Info: There are many different fields to fill out here, including descriptions. Remember you don’t have to fill in everything Facebook asks you for, play around with what message you want to convey to visitors looking at your business.

About> Edit Page Info

Adding a Tag line

This is a short description of your page or business tag line which gets displayed on your Facebook Home Page. You can add this in the short description field: About>Edit Page Info>Short Description

Tag line, keep it short and sweet.

Contact information

Add in an address, phone number, email, website and location details. Ekko will use these to populate your chosen Ekko theme to give your visitors multiple ways to contact you, or come to your location, if relevant.

Contact information

Social Links

About>edit page info>other accounts: You can add multiple social links; Twitter, Instagram etc. to your Page. This option is only currently available if you have chosen the personal Facebook Page category.

Templates and tabs

Settings > Edit Page

Within settings you can customise your page further by assigning a template to your page. This gives you different page layouts and will display different information to your visitors.

You can also control which Tabs are displayed on your page. Tabs are a navigation tool for your Facebook Page content. There are options for turning ‘tabs’ on or off, it’s worth deciding which ones are relevant to your page for example; if you’re not a shop, turn off the ‘shop’ tab.

Settings>Edit Page

Things to consider when you’re filling out your page content.

What is the goal of your Facebook Page? For most, its linking visitors to your website.

Add a button

A good way to link visitors to your Ekko website via your Facebook Page is by adding a Button, often referred to as a Call to Action. This functionality is available on the home page.

Adding a Button offers a variety of Call to Actions, including booking forms.

Add a call to action button

For others, a business Facebook Page is a communication tool. With this is mind, having a Page ‘username’ is a great feature, it makes it easier for people to find your Page when searching.

Create a Username

With this feature Facebook produce a custom url for your Page for example: and which can be used for visitors to reach you directly through Facebook Messenger.

Create page user name

Adding your first post

Posts are a great way of keeping visitors updated on your business. So to introduce your page and start interacting go to: posts>add post or home>add post

Add a post

By adding posts, you will instantly be adding content to your Ekko website, most of our Ekko themes will display the latest 10 posts from your Facebook Page.

“Facebook posts with images see 2.3X more engagement than those without images” — source

Adding images to your posts give real value, give it a go.

Add photo’s to your post.


Like with your latest posts, Ekko will also display any upcoming events on your website.

Have an upcoming event? Go to: Events>add event

Now you’ve added content to your Facebook page, think about what it looks like for your visitors. What will your page visitors see?

View your page as a visitor

A useful tool is to view your Facebook Page as a visitor. You can do this by clinking More>View as page visitor. This option is limited to your Home tab.

Visitor view of the Ekko FB page

Controlling the whole experience

It’s easy to forget that you have limited control over the experience that non Facebook users have when viewing your business page. Which is why it is important to remember that your Facebook page only has a certain amount of reach. Connecting your Facebook page to Ekko displays your Facebook content on a universal platform, an Ekko website.

Why not check what your Facebook Page could look like as an Ekko website today, and head to and sign up for a free trial.

We would love to hear how you get on. So holla at us on Facebook or Twitter.

