Communication Boons

reports 20171208

Max Megan Elizabeth Morris
Notes on Refuge
4 min readDec 14, 2017


I am regaining my ability to write piecemeal from the bath and in SWAT-style efforts with my laptop.

When I am writing, I am fighting through the challenges of concentrated EMF fields. Usually this means that I am having symptom cascades and rolling attacks while struggling to write coherently.

Each belch is the beginnings of my body going into shock.

First my gut shuts down, and then the oxygen and nutrients are cut off by strange numb pegs and great stabs in my spine.

Sometimes I can arrest the process with self-care interventions, but usually not if i want to keep writing.

Knowing that supplies and supports are running out, knowing that my brain function is not sufficient to remember all the details at once, knowing how near-impossible it is for others to comprehend this very complex, subtlety-driven circumstance...

I know i had better keep writing.



PS. I am worried that Medium is the wrong place to do it. Its app is quite hard to use, it does not seem to share our goals, and it seems to strong arm new readers into using the app rather than loading pages in a straightforward browser.

That is yucky.

I am wondering if it will be easier for more people to read if we use Typepad or Wordpress.

if I can regain enough function, I know that there are ways to hook the streams together using Wordpress, at least. We need combined content stream functions.

Moreso, we need a content sharing platform made for refugees.

We need to write a letter to many companies, asking them to support us.

At least one of them will.

Guess we’ll have to come up with the letter first. :-)



I have gained some interesting boons.

Here is one.

Despite setbacks, I have enough routines remaining to have art back in a semi-predictable cycle again. (If the attacks aren’t making me completely non-functional, I have a period of time in the day where I intentionally tolerate the symptoms caused by paper and ink in order to draw.)

Art is crucial to broader public communication. I must keep making art if I want my efforts to be most noticed and supported.

I am getting more clever about drawing while being stabbed, with the oxygen cut off to my head.

Although I cannot control the art I make, cannot usually remember what I made afterwards, and inflamed neurons make me unable to “see” it well later, I have noticed that the art has become more detailed.

I “catch” it as I am drawing it, in the moments words and movements come through.

I take a photo with my phone immediately on finishing a page.

I know that if I don’t, I may never get to share it or see it again -- as many paper notebooks have been lost to Stachybotrys storage units.

I have also established a system of automatic uploads to Flickr when the device radio is active... and later, making some of those images public for browsing. So I know now that eventually, the photos I take of this art will be publishable in some way.

That knowledge of possible connectivity in community is *real physiological nourishment.*

It allows for increased resilience and success, despite ongoing traumatic pain and illness.



Another boon:

I have found I can now sometimes “catch” more coherently composed communications in the tub, and type them into my phone.

This writing is crucial to broader public communication.

I must persevere in order to have any chance at high leverage, scalable solutions that help the community.

And I must have written communications, easily shareable, for episodes when I cannot speak coherent English and must convey life-saving health details.

I am able to form written words with most clarity in the clean air of natural outdoor surroundings.

But with these freezing temperatures, high beach winds, laxity of the ligaments, muscular deterioration, and physiological fragility -- it is a tricky wilderness to engage. I must be cautious until my body is stronger; overexertion will turn verbal clarity to chaos and crisis very quickly if it gets the better of me.

In the tub with magnesium and baking soda, I have enough physiological support to make more of the right words come out -- and share them with you.

I can only do this with sufficient hot water (not always available), and when someone is here to help me with the urgencies of the day, like the laundry I am unable to do on my own.

Otherwise I must push myself through any and every possible physical activity in the hopes of avoiding more and more dangerous continuously accumulated crises.

Each day I have the help part of the equation in order to be able to do this, it costs $84 from someone who doesn’t have it, and won’t be able to pay for it much longer.

Those funding this assistance currently are sacrificing greatly for it.

It is helpful to identify such a compartment -- *this* costs *this much* to do.

How can my existing efforts help pay for it?

I must write at my best, and find out.





Max Megan Elizabeth Morris
Notes on Refuge

I coordinate smart, loving community caring 4 all in extreme adversity. Severely disabled sex trafficking survivor -- seeking bravest ppl in world. U one? ❤️‍🔥