
telling time, rhyme by rhyme

Max Megan Elizabeth Morris
Notes on Refuge


the earth moves today
like waves


i’m trying to let go of grief and loss
around the things i cannot do
so that i can access most sufficient
physiological capacity
for the things i can

because that will get me thru.
and then, maybe, there will be more i can do
about breaks and disconnections
from people, places, projects, paths

because i won’t be dead,
i hope. i’ll be alive.
because i did what i had to do
to survive.

& its really hard.

& i’m going to do it anyway

because i want to somehow one day

come to terms with
what living on this planet
seemed to require

when you and me and you and you
and all those others
(god so many others!)
were fighting so hard
not to expire

do you think one day
we’ll look back on all this and say
it was worth it?

that we birthed it —
this thing we are ushering forth?

and what
do you think
we will find
it is worth?

will we learn
from this breaking
this crumbling
this falling asunder
this changing
and moving
of earth?




Max Megan Elizabeth Morris
Notes on Refuge

I coordinate smart, loving community caring 4 all in extreme adversity. Severely disabled sex trafficking survivor -- seeking bravest ppl in world. U one? ❤️‍🔥