What does not break

and is not broken

Max Megan Elizabeth Morris
Notes on Refuge



I’m tired of watching

beautiful creative
brilliant resonant
human beings

die in front of me

while all these comfortable powerful people

turn away

because they’re too busy

trying to keep the respect
of their

self-abusive society.

I need to find the really brave ones.

please help us find the really brave ones.

the ones who don’t break and run

the ones who don’t scapegoat the weak

who believe faithfully
and do not deny the unfamiliar

the ones willing and able

to face their own trauma
and the trauma undergone by others

to walk into the storm,
and not hide from it

to move through that secret portal
wherein abides
our most complete nourishment.

but can we somehow do this together?

for we are all so very alone.

finding one another
in the midst of such a psychic war
might be the hardest part.

what if we succeeded?

what if that’s all we needed?

it’s not just a poem.
it’s people’s lives.

and it’s something
without which
I don’t think I’ll
likely survive.

please help us find
the strongest kinds
in time




Max Megan Elizabeth Morris
Notes on Refuge

I coordinate smart, loving community caring 4 all in extreme adversity. Severely disabled sex trafficking survivor -- seeking bravest ppl in world. U one? ❤️‍🔥