Photo by Arek Socha on Pixabay

Why I Never Give Advice

Unlike almost everybody else

8 min readAug 2, 2019


I should give advice, because advice really sells these days — haven’t you noticed? In fact, now that the masses have kicked the religion habit, it looks like advice is our new opiate, and the blogosphere is our new favorite dispensary.

So now hundreds and thousands of writers are pouring out advice on how to become focused or mindful or serene or successful or powerful or — well, just generally awesome.

And you will all be awesome if you just do these five things. No, these seven things. Mindfully.

Wait, do these three things mindfully before breakfast, then configure your inbox this way, and then eat these foods. Mindfully.

Voila. You will be awesome and mindful and rich, though probably not as rich as the one giving you all that advice.

To be sure, there’s some very good advice being given out these days. Careful curators of wisdome are making ancient practices newly accessible to modern audiences or sharing new perspectives from their own hard personal experiences. I am not knocking the advice or the…



Preaching real real/igion for real people and courage in the face of absurdity. Follow me into the wilderness on TikTok at