John Kim
Notes to a new social critique
1 min readMay 31, 2019


Habermas’s conception of private autonomy as part of the development of bourgeois society

Public / private distinction was created around heteronormativity. Women being confined to the private (Nancy Fraser)

  • The “bourgeois” public sphere as institutionalization of female domesticity
  • Nancy Fraser “Rethinking the Public Sphere “Let me remind you that it is central to Habermas’s account that the bourgeois public sphere was to be a discursive arena in which “private persons” deliberated about “public matters.” There are several different senses of privacy and publicity in play here. “Publicity,” for example, can mean 1) state-related; 2) accessible to everyone; 3) of concern to every­one; and 4) pertaining to a common good or shared interest. Each of these corresponds to a contrasting sense of “privacy.” In addition, there are two other senses of “privacy” hovering just below the surface here: 5) pertain­ing to private property in a market economy; and 6) pertaining to intimate domestic or personal life, including sexual life.

