A Shift in Perspective

When it comes to learning

Anirudh Venkatesh
Notes To Future Self
2 min readNov 1, 2023


Ever since I’ve tried to approach learning in a more deliberate way, things have changed. Some observations related to how I read books now:

  1. I take my time with each chapter. I don’t just read straight through like a page junkie, as I have been doing most of my life.
  2. I take notes as a method of review! It feels like something I should have started a long time ago. It helps me understand if I actually comprehend what I have read since I need to recollect and summarise the key points.
  3. I frequently ask questions when reading. This gives direction to my learning, since I can spend more time on the questions that I can’t answer or those that interest me more.
  4. Once I read a section (or at times even a paragraph), I take my time to reflect on what has been said. I draw out inferences. I connect to other ideas in the book. I make connections with what I’ve learnt in the past. I try to validate arguments made by the author.
  5. I’m not afraid to read slowly. I used to feel that if I go slow, I’ll somehow lose out on all the books out there that I am yet to read, but having realised that I barely remember most of what is in the books that I have read, I have chosen to focus on understanding and internalising what I read, even if that means it’s a fraction of my earlier reading.
  6. I am more selective about what I read. I ask myself what I truly wish to learn well and end up prioritising some things over others. This gives me a great deal of clarity.
  7. I make a conscious choice about whether I am reading something for entertainment or education. This gives me the freedom to not worry about remembering small details in entertainment-focused material.
  8. Knowing stuff in depth feels very rewarding and is worth the slow pace of acquisition.
  9. I don’t feel lost in the later parts of a book. Since I don’t go ahead with half-baked information but try to fully comprehend what I am currently reading (along with the inferences I draw out), the later parts of a book that build on the earlier material don’t confuse me.
  10. I don’t feel uncomfortable reviewing material (~90% of the time). In fact, I look forward to the improved understanding I will have after review.


originally written on 1 November 2023

