Off to Peru…

Mohit Thatte
Notes to self
Published in
1 min readJun 26, 2008

Folks, I am off to Peru for a 10 day backpacking trip! Should be a lot of fun! Arequipa, Cusco, Machu Picchu, Tambopata and Lima are the destinations. Along the way I hope to make some new friends, and get to know better some old ones :)

Pictures, et al when I’m back.

PS: I also visited Yosemite national park, Florida (all of it) and Santa Barbara recently — pictures of which I shall put up soon!



Mohit Thatte
Notes to self

Curious. Creative. Open. Empathetic. Luddite. Optimist. Programmer. Consultant. Traveler. Runner. Lifter. Scuba. #DisciplineEqualsFreedom