
Mohit Thatte
Notes to self
Published in
2 min readApr 30, 2010
Staring into the void.

The most common reaction when I tell people that I quit is ,”Why?!”.

Not surprisingly, there is loads of skepticism when I say that I want to be a vagabond, a sea-lion, a wanderer with no goal. There is a need for everyone to find reasons why I am leaving a life of luxury behind. So, I thought the first blog post ought to be a note-to-self reminding me of why I did it.

Motivation, motivation, motivation — the three most important factors of professional ‘success’, I had none of them.

There was no “me” time.

I felt the need to see the ‘big picture’ — I didn’t want to be a pawn on the chess board, I wanted to be in control of my destiny!

I was reading Chris Guillebeau, Tim Ferriss, Seth Godin and getting ideas about how life and work ought to be!

Walt Whitman was the last straw! This is it, I have to get out of the routine. There is so much to see, so much to do, so many experiences to drink up. Why am I still here? So, I quit.

I have begun my travels traveling to relatively unknown places, meeting interesting people, listening to their stories and getting loads and loads of perspective. Already, I have begun to see myself and the world in a different light.

This blog aims to catalog my experiences as I travel (with my camera in tow). Join me for the ride, perhaps you’ll enjoy it as much as I am!

P.S.: If I get some “big” answers along the way — w00t! If not, w00t anyway!



Mohit Thatte
Notes to self

Curious. Creative. Open. Empathetic. Luddite. Optimist. Programmer. Consultant. Traveler. Runner. Lifter. Scuba. #DisciplineEqualsFreedom