Muscle Memory

James Pang
Notes with James
Published in
1 min readApr 9, 2016

The last few weeks have been really difficult to get through. Its not that I’m going through a hard time in life right now or that I am having personal issues. Just, sometimes you aren’t able to find your groove in your daily life, work and routine.

In these moments, it is so vital that muscle memory kicks in and drives you to be where you need to be. It is a given that as humans we will not perform optimally 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. But what we can control is how much we ingrain in our routine, and how we train our bodies so repetitively that something can become second nature. I firmly believe that despite how lethargic and unproductive I may have felt recently, my muscle memory carried me past the blockers in my life.

That being said, there is a time and place for rest, relaxation and removing yourself from your routine. That is still something that I am trying to learn for myself. I feel like there is just so much to do in this life that there is no time to stop and take a break. Maybe one day.

