
James Pang
Notes with James
Published in
1 min readAug 16, 2015

Passion is a powerful thing. Without it, I wouldn’t be the person I am today and I wouldn’t be progressing in any respect looking to the future.

I love it when I am totally engrossed in something that I am constantly striving to fit every gram of knowledge that I can into my tiny brain. Those times when you start a task in the morning and then next time you lift your head up, you realise it is past midnight. Or those moments when all you can think about is this one thing that you forget to make a left turn at your exit adding 30 minutes to your travel time.

The beautiful thing is passions come and go. And it is okay. At one point of my life I was infatuated with music, at another it was health and fitness. Now these days, it feels like I was born to do software development. It is these diverse experiences that help me shape my character.

Passion requires heart. It requires intensity. It requires sleepless nights and early mornings (metaphorical or not). Hunger and thirst seems small compared to passion. Passion does not succumb to the fear of men.

What are you passionate about, and what are you going to do about it?

