The Grind

James Pang
Notes with James
Published in
1 min readAug 8, 2015

The last few months for me has been a whirlwind. I’ve dived head first into working life and I’ve gotta say, I feel truly blessed to do what I enjoy for a living. It wasn’t always like this though.

I’ve always wondered what life would look like beyond the daily grind of studying textbooks and performing impractical experiments as a student. Even beyond my career, I’ve wondered what experiences that I may come across in the next 5, 10, 15 years.

There are a few things that I cling onto, to get me through it all.

1) Purpose — My purpose in life is driven by my faith in Jesus Christ. What is your motivation?

2) Resilience — Don’t take no for an answer. Don’t. Are you a fighter?

3) All In — Whatever you do, do it with all your heart soul, strength and mind. Are you committed?

Learn to love the grind.

