Time Out

James Pang
Notes with James
Published in
1 min readSep 18, 2015

Everyday there are hurdles that are thrown at us like no tomorrow, and everyday we must take the strides to overcome them, no matter how tall they may seem. But once in a while, there is an unexpected hurdle that halts your momentum.

Whenever this kind of encounter occurs, the human tendency is to shy away from the problem. To turn 180 degrees and run in the opposite direction. To indulge yourself in a guilty pleasure so as to forget your sorrows. To continue your momentum, pretending nothing ever happened. I know because I have lived that.

I’ve been learning it’s okay to have these stumbling blocks, which is a big deal for me to say. It’s okay to take a step back, and have a time out to reevaluate. You are not weak. You are not burdensome. But rather you are wise in doing so. Fight the root cause of the problem.

Then, get back in your lane and overcome that hurdle.

