Effective Study Techniques for Students to Try in 2021

Noteshelf Blog
Published in
5 min readApr 28, 2021

It is quite amazing when you attend your first lecture at college, isn’t it? Well, entering college is a wonderful experience for every student. However, college is quite different from high school when it comes to studies. The syllabus becomes more complicated and vast with less learning time. You are expected to be self-taught for most of the syllabus. But, we are not trying to discourage you. Instead, we have a few study tips that will help you make your learning much more effective.

Study tips for students

Set your study space and follow healthy habits

Here are some ways to create a proper study space along with healthy habits:

  1. Switch your environment — Late-night studies in bed before any exams are of no good. Choosing comfort level is your choice; however, if it hampers your productivity then avoid it. It is best to use a table and chair for studies and if possible, try a change of scenery.
  2. Eliminate distractions — Choose a study space away from unnecessary distractions. Keep your phones away while studying. Instead, try to complete a study session before scrolling your phone again.
  3. Exercise — Exercise is said to boost your mood and productivity. According to a study, exercise can improve your learning skills. Exercising daily reduces stress in students and keeps them motivated.
  4. Stick to a sleep schedule — Adequate sleep of 7–8 hrs is beneficial for a student. A study shows how improper sleep can negatively affect the academic performance of some students.
  5. Munch on healthy snacks — A healthy snacking habit is necessary for your brain to increase the focus. Your servings should be high in healthy fats, protein, and fibers such as almonds, fruits, and healthy smoothies.
Study techniques for students

Try these different study techniques

1. Note-taking techniques

Note-taking is a part of every student’s learning. Proper notes are the first step to getting good grades. You might remember how note-taking helped you recall key points in your exams. Choose the note-taking style that suits you the best. You can choose from sketchnotes, Cornell notes, mind-mapping, or even create your style. Digital note-taking is becoming popular among the students as it is more efficient. Try digital note-taking with Noteshelf. It has various student templates and tools to ease your note-taking process.

2. SQ3R method

It is a study technique to improve reading and increase retention. SQ3R stands for survey, question, read, recite, and review.

  • Survey — First, just skimming through the topic, headings and diagrams will give you an understanding of the topic
  • Question — Then, create a reading purpose by converting the first heading into a question
  • Read — Now read the first section and look for the answer, make notes and highlight important things
  • Recite — After completing a section see if you can answer your question. If not, go back and read again
  • Review — After finishing the entire text, go back to the questions you have created and answer them

3. Feynman technique

This technique is named after the Nobel-prize laureate and physicist Richard Feynman. It is a technique where you learn any concept by explaining it in a simple language. In other words, instead of just going through a topic, you need to explain it (as if explaining it to someone else). Then, look for any gaps in your explanation, go back to the topic, and read it again if you missed something. Try to simplify the technical words that are hard to understand. This technique gives you a true understanding of any topic.

4. PQ4R method

The PQ4R acronym stands for preview, question, read, reflect, recite, and review. This study technique is especially helpful for students with learning disabilities. It improves reading comprehension and learning skills.

  • Preview — Skim through the topic and visual representation. Look for headings and chapter summary
  • Question — Ask a question from the idea you got out of the preview
  • Read — Do the active reading by keeping your question in mind
  • Reflect — Reflect on your learning and look if your questions are answered. Or, look if you have some new queries
  • Recite — Summarize your learning by writing it down or reciting it aloud to yourself. Or, discuss your topic with someone.
  • Review — Review the topic at the end and check if all the queries are resolved

5. Leitner system

Leitner system uses spaced repetition technique. In this technique, learners use flashcards and dedicate different time slots to study a concept. For the Leitner system, you need to make flashcards and arrange a few boxes.

  • Box 1 — Put all flashcards in box one and revise them everyday
  • Box 2 — If you answer one card correctly from box 1, move it to box 2. Revise it every 3 days
  • Box 3 — If you answer a card correctly from box 2, move it to box 3. Revise it every 5 days
Leitner system

If you forget any card from box 3, move it back to the previous box. This study technique helps in collecting and storing any information for a longer time.

Due to the ongoing pandemic, the format of learning has changed a lot. Most of the college students are attending online classes or have staggered classes. It has affected the studies of many students around the world. It can be challenging to study in this pandemic without going to college. But, don’t stress out and go easy on yourself. Whether you are attending offline or online classes, these tips will certainly help you ace your academics.

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