How Technology Is Taking Education To The Next Level?

Noteshelf Blog
Published in
3 min readMay 20, 2021

“Technology will not replace great teachers but technology in the hands of great teachers can be transformational.” – George Couros

Technology transformed every facet of our lives and made it better. Education is one among them. The system of education is tapping into new technologies to shape students into polymaths. In addition, technology will be a support to students to reach their full learning potential.

Considering the perks of technology in education, there’s only one question which strikes our mind. How quickly the students can adapt to this change? Let’s now dig deep into what technology has in store to offer us.

The Benefits of Tech

Personalised learning:

With technology, there are learning resources available everywhere. Therefore, students have the freedom to learn anything of their choice. There’s a lot of scope to explore their interests when learning is personalised. Similarly, teachers can provide resources based on student interests. This gives students a clarity to shape their career path by knowing their strengths.

Increased student engagement:

The educational content available through technology creates curiosity. Likewise, it also keeps them engaged. However, creating curiosity is the first step in attaining academic success. With technology many things are on your fingertips. Similarly, students can interact with their peers across the globe. The exchange of their thoughts and knowledge increases the student engagement.

Diverse career options:

These days students at a young age have a career option in mind. But what’s important is what they stick to with time going forward. Students are exposed to a plethora of learning opportunities. Their minds are trained to focus on strengths. If a student wants to learn a new technology, it’s readily available on the web. Similarly, there are many online courses available.

Greater Reach:

Technology has transformed education to another level. Earlier, students in a classroom were only educated with what’s in their books. With technology intervening in education, any student who’s willing to learn and grow is being educated. The reach of learning has increased. Educators reach to students who don’t have access to classroom learning.

Chatbots for Education

Chatbots increase productivity and make communication highly effective. They’re the online conversations which are result-oriented. Chatbots are the face of modern education now.

  • They track student’s performance and switch the schedule according to their needs.
  • Chatbots are a replacement for a teacher. They guide a student from the beginning to the end.
  • It’s fun learning as students can discuss and learn with these tech geeks.
  • Immediate feedback is a USP of these chatbots. The AI gives the results with utmost accuracy.
  • Students can better remember what they’ve learned as it optimises memory.

Education 2.0 with Technology

Today’s generation is subsequently living with technology. Students and young adults are the major internet users. They’re more tech savvy than their earlier generations. Combining technology with education means to increase the scope of learning for students majorly. Classroom learning is increasingly student-centric and personalised in today’s education. All these tech guides like chatbots, video resources and AI allows students to choose their own pace of learning.

Classrooms with Noteshelf

The note-taking apps are a part of this tech revolution too. There’s a change in the learning environment and the supporting tools for education. Note-taking apps like Noteshelf helps students in many a ways. For instance, to maintain a record, revise and organise their notes well. Digital notes are one among the ongoing technological trends of the education system.

In conclusion students found an easy way of learning and creating a successful career path. All thanks to technology for creating a spectacular impact on modern education.

Happy Techy Learning!



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