Transform Your Meetings With Noteshelf

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4 min readDec 3, 2021

Note-taking is a skill which has to be done thoughtfully with attention. Effective note-taking is not just jotting every word spoken but using critical thinking to summarize into beneficial outcomes. Handwritten notes are not just for students, it’s of great importance for working professionals too. Meeting notes is a key factor for decision making, planning and strategizing. It’s also a record of ideas.

Meetings with Noteshelf

How meeting notes help you?

Meeting notes are a collection of valuable information. When it’s effective, it drives you forward. Here’s how it helps you:

Keep everyone on the same page : Meeting notes align the team members to be equally informed and be on similar lines. Quick recap of the agenda, decisions and the action items can help deliver the best. As these notes are a record, any queries and concerns can be addressed immediately.

Work towards decisions : If you are a note-taker, make sure you capture the accurate information. And when you do so, you can interpret clear outcomes. With the queries revolving around, the decision-making process becomes easy. This is an organised process where you’ll know what’s a priority and which points need further discussion.

Plan and Strategize : Meeting notes is also a record of actionable items. It’s important to discuss with the team and be proactive about the deliverables. Allocating work and fixing a target deadline helps completing work on time. And when it’s teamwork, these targets increase coordination and give better output.

Inform the uninformed : Meeting notes are extremely important and reliable. It’s a source of information for people not present in the meeting too. Also there’s always an option to share the meeting minutes via email with the participants and ones who are absent to keep everyone in loop.

Meeting minutes on Noteshelf

Practices for effective note-taking during meetings

Summarize the context : For any notes, writing every single word in a discussion is not an effective practice. You need to understand the conversation and record the message. Meeting minutes are usually recorded as bullet points and to-do lists. Listing key points helps you analyse what to focus on and take relevant decisions.

Listen and Clarify : The first and foremost important thing in a meeting is to listen. Active listening helps you understand things better. You can be on track and participate in the discussion, add valuable insights and get required outcomes. You can clarify your queries and record them in your notes then and there.

Follow a structured format : For you to know what you need to get out of the meeting notes, you need to organize it well. You can categorize your notes into different sections; to-dos, plans, decisions, insights and general information. This method of taking notes is effective for future references.

Make every member a note-taker each time : Note-takers are the meeting heros. Following a professional approach makes them more productive. If you give the opportunity to every team member to understand the process of taking meeting notes, it will help them learn this new skill.

Take Meeting Notes with Noteshelf

In this digital era, the note-taking process has taken a new turn too. With an iPad in hand, you can do a lot many things and follow the trend. Earlier, when you are a part of a meeting, the meeting notes are taken in a notepad or diary. But now, there are some extraordinary apps where you can take notes in a structured way.

Noteshelf is a digital note-taking app which has several user templates with unique styles. If you are a note-taker in a meeting, there’s something for you in store as well. The meeting notes template helps to take quick notes, summarize detailed discussions to bullets and record it in a single notebook. What’s more useful is that it can be shared across different channels. You can mail the notes, share it like an image or in Noteshelf format. You can also use audio recording for future reference.

How do you take meeting notes? Comment below.

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