Idea Exchange №2: Nothing About Us Without Us

SBC Guides
Nothing About Us Without Us
2 min readDec 31, 2022

1. In Ghana: We experiment, we write. Innovation often comes from experimentation. The UNICEF Ghana country office and the Ghana Health Service are using Behavioural Insights and Behavioural Design to improve health outcomes for children (and writing about it). More here + français.

2. In Niger: Ownership rather than “buy-in.” Adapting resources for local context is a strength of the UNICEF Niger team. The secret? Contributions from community members and government. Ownership comes from doing together, rather than “buying into” a pre-cooked idea. More here + français.

3. NEW! Check out the new Intro Guide on Social and Behaviour Change (SBC), also available in French, Portuguese and Spanish. Co-created with ten UNICEF country offices, the guide includes resources and examples of ten SBC approaches used in West and Central Africa. Comments are welcome (Includes a link for giving feedback).

4. Invitation: “Yes, I use social listening data.” Have you noticed we don’t always USE the data we collect? Thank you to those who joined the “Discovery Café” discussion on the USE of social listening data. Click here for info on the event that was held on Feb. 23, 2022.

5. Inspiration: We enjoyed this podcast about the use of Visual Thinking Strategies (VTS), courtesy of IDEO U. Key takeaway: “Facilitative leadership is about asking the right questions, not having the answers.”

Cover page of Intro Guide to Social and Behaviour Change
Intro Guide on Social and Behaviour Change (SBC).

Do you have time to explore a bit more? Check out Idea Exchange №1 — featuring Social and Behaviour Change invitiatives in Mali and Democratic Republic of Congo.

Do you have suggestions, new ideas or general comments for us? Please click here to share // Avez-vous des suggestions, de nouvelles idées ou des commentaires généraux pour nous? Veuillez cliquer ici pour partager.

UNICEF West and Central Africa Regional Office, Social and Behavior Change team. Our motto: Always. Be. Learning. (ABL) Toujours. a. L’écoute (TaLE)

