Korean Drama Series: The Flower in Prison (2016)

“Flower” is the word used in K-dramas for women. What you will like about this series is that this “flower” can kick butt!!

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This is the Korean drama series that introduced me to the lovely actress Jin Se-yeon (or Jin Se-Yun) who played Ok-Nyeo; and the handsome actor Go Soo (or Ko Soo) who played Yoon Tae-Won. After watching this historical period series, whenever I come across a period drama and either of them have a role, it goes on my watch list.

STORYLINE: The story begins with a pregnant woman running in the forest, along with man who is obviously running with her and not running after her. He is trying to help her escape some assassins. The man dies but she manages to get to a prison, even though she was fatally wounded. The people who work at the prison are surprised and alarmed by her sudden appearance but what could they do? She was clearly in labor and about to give birth any minute. She dies shortly after the baby girl, Ok-Nyeo, is born.

  • Ok-Nyeo is the “flower” who is born and raised in prison.

She has quite a story! She does not know her real identity. She was happy with the man who raised her like a father and so…



Treathyl Fox aka cmoneyspinner
❤️ Nothing But Love For Korean Drama

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