Moral Nihilism

Matthew Bice
2 min readDec 11, 2018

“Murder is morally wrong,” this is a claim most would agree with. However moral nihilist do not believe there is a direct statute of right and wrong that there is an innate code for morality. Morality can never be proven as right or wrong so there is no truth for morals.

A major argument for Moral Nihilism is the lack of objective ethical values as they would be much to strange to exist in our world. The belief that ethics are objective, not subjective would put ethical philosophy into a form of science instead of philosophy. Saying murder is innately wrong implies that somehow our universe dictates that murder is wrong.

The world itself cannot dictate an innate wrong and neither does the human brain. Young children have to be taught all of their moral code.

A young child is bound to try and take a toy from another without permission. The parents often scold the kid and that teaches them that thievery is morally wrong. You might ask when is a young kid taught about murder.

Before a kid is old enough to commit murder there is a great chance they will encounter the news in any form which condemns murderous tendencies and murder as a whole.

This brings more to moral nihilism than often seen, most believe it as a lack of morals. I see it as no concrete morals that are innately there, humans have created moral codes for centuries. One of the first notable codes was Hammurabis code. Hammurabis code states an eye for eye punishment system, for instance if a man rapes a woman his genitals are to be mutilated.



Matthew Bice

It’s gonna be a good, good life that’s what my therapist say.